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Q & A

Yes, FRP roofing panels are highly resistant to chemical spills and stains. The material used in FRP panels is non-porous and does not react with most chemicals, making them an excellent choice for areas where chemical spills or stains are a concern.

Yes, FRP roofing panels are highly resistant to hailstone impact marks due to their strong and durable composition.

Yes, FRP roofing panels do have a specific load capacity for snow or debris. The load capacity is determined by various factors such as the thickness and design of the panels, as well as the specific product specifications provided by the manufacturer. It is important to consult the manufacturer's guidelines and engineering data to ensure that the panels are installed and used within their designated load limits for optimal safety and performance.

Whether you are in need of FRP roofing panels for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes, we have the right solution for you. Our wide range of products includes corrugated panels, flat panels, translucent panels, and more, catering to different project requirements.

We understand that every project is unique, and our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized solutions that meet your specific needs. From assisting with product selection to providing technical support, we strive to ensure that you have a smooth and successful experience with our FRP roofing panels.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have the resources and expertise to offer comprehensive procurement services. This means that we can handle everything from sourcing and procurement to shipping and delivery, saving you time and effort.

With years of market development experience in the Dominican Republic, we have built strong relationships with local suppliers and manufacturers. This allows us to offer competitive pricing and fast turnaround times, ensuring that you get the best value for your investment.

Whether you are a contractor, architect, or project manager, we are here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to discuss your FRP roofing panel needs in the Dominican Republic, and let us be your trusted partner in building success.