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Q & A

A solar battery system works by converting sunlight into electricity through solar panels, which generate direct current (DC) power. This DC power is then converted into alternating current (AC) power by an inverter so that it can be used to power household appliances and devices. Any excess electricity produced by the solar panels is stored in a battery for later use when the sun is not shining, such as during the night or on cloudy days. This stored energy can then be used to power the home or fed back into the electrical grid.

A solar energy system works by harnessing the energy from the sun and converting it into usable electricity. It typically consists of solar panels, which contain photovoltaic cells that absorb sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. This DC electricity is then converted into alternating current (AC) electricity through an inverter, making it compatible with the electrical grid or usable in households. Excess electricity generated by the system can be stored in batteries or fed back into the grid for credit. Overall, solar energy systems are a sustainable and renewable way to generate electricity by utilizing the abundant energy from the sun.

Yes, solar energy systems can be used in areas with high levels of lightning strikes. While lightning can pose a risk to any electrical system, including solar panels and their components, there are measures in place to mitigate this risk. These include grounding systems, surge protectors, and lightning arrestors that divert the electrical surge away from the panels. Additionally, solar panels are designed to withstand various weather conditions, including lightning strikes. It is important for solar energy systems to be installed by professionals who can ensure proper safety measures are in place.

Solar energy systems have a positive impact on the quality of indoor air. Unlike traditional energy sources, solar power does not release harmful pollutants or emit greenhouse gases during its operation. This reduces the presence of indoor air pollutants, such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, resulting in cleaner and healthier indoor air for the occupants of a building.

With our Solar Energy Systems, we aim to provide sustainable and renewable energy solutions to meet the growing demand in Cameroon. Our product range includes solar panels, inverters, batteries, mounting systems, and other accessories.

We understand that every project is unique, and that's why we offer customized quotations that cater to your specific requirements. Our team of experts will work closely with you to design and recommend the most suitable solar energy system for your needs. We take into account factors such as energy consumption, available space, budget, and local weather conditions to ensure optimal system performance and efficiency.

In addition to supplying high-quality products, we also provide comprehensive technical support services. Our experienced technicians are available to assist you with system installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. We prioritize customer satisfaction and are committed to providing prompt and reliable support throughout the lifespan of your solar energy system.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have the resources and expertise to deliver top-notch solar energy systems in Cameroon. Our parent company's strong financial backing and global network ensure that we can provide competitive prices and timely delivery of products.

We have established a strong presence in the Cameroonian market and have successfully completed numerous solar energy projects across various sectors, including residential, commercial, and industrial. Our extensive market experience and local knowledge enable us to understand the unique challenges and requirements of solar energy implementation in Cameroon.

Partnering with us means gaining access to a wide range of high-quality solar energy products, personalized quotations, and reliable technical support services. We are committed to helping you achieve your sustainability goals and contribute to a greener future for Cameroon.

Contact us today to discuss your solar energy system requirements and let us be your trusted partner in powering Cameroon with clean and renewable energy.