Stainless Steel Popsicle Molds

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Remember before the 1980s?When we had shop classes in our schools?When we actually made products in America?When we supplied the world with steel, machine tools, and automobiles?Remember when we had a working middle class?
Those were the days when you had cars that you could actually repair with the minimal of specialized hi-tech whiz bang tools I can distinctly remember being out on a date and frying a set of points on my 1963 Buick SW -aka the love machine - grabbing a flashlight a screwdriver , and a book of matches, borrowing a nail file from my gf and repairing the problem well enough to get us home . Today with all of our over rated high tech toy computerized machines there is less opportunity for a kid to to develop an interest in working on them.....and so he doesn't
A. physicalB. intangibleC. tangibleD. transient
i guess c
Metal materials commonly used in the processing methods which
In addition to the common processing methods, the hot and cold combination molding methods are modern explosion molding, friction welding, rolling, wire cutting, laser surface treatment, high energy ray bombardment, amorphous treatment
Framework for oil well drilling machinery?
i need help w/ a science question lol....:] help please! thnx! o and also, the 1st question is more important, but if u know this one, it would help too: How is friction a factor in outer space?
OK, I'm thinking about the situations you, what exactly was the question.......?! Nothing, including friction, is a (factor...?) in 'outer space'. Reason: there's nothing there.
would you be able to give reasons
the general consensus is that the type of financing should match the lifespan of whatever you're buying. so for heavy machinery, these are typically long-term assets. as such, you want to use long-term debt (such as a long-term bank loan). ideally, the best financing is cash (you buy it outright). other alternatives would be to give the seller a corporate bond which promises them payments, etc. loan agreements are another option.
Do Machinery Repairman (MR) in navy get assigned to subs?
Probably. Subs have a lot of machinedry in them.
what are the auxiliary machinery found in ships?
Anything that is not vital to the operation of the ship is considered to be aux equipment. Backup generators, pumps, cranes, small equipment, support equipment, I could go on and on but if the machinery does not play a vital role in keeping the ship going it is considered aux equipment.