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Solar panel experiment ?wat are some experiments with solar panels that has not yet been proven? ideas
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Yes, solar panels can be used in areas with high levels of hurricanes. However, it is crucial to ensure that the solar panel installation is designed and built to withstand strong winds and other extreme weather conditions. This can be achieved through proper engineering, using sturdy mounting systems, and adhering to local building codes and regulations.
How much per sq inch do they cost? Will i have to worry about them blowing off during hurricane season? If the sun isnt out for a week will my power go out? Will I have to check them every week and check which ones arent working and replace them? Is there anyway for them to be damaged by acid rain or any type of erosion like hail? When do I have to replace them? How do I dispose of old ones (like recycling)? What is smarter and more economical having few big panels or many small ones? I know I have alot of questions but I want a good detailed answer.
They don't sell them by the square inch. It costs about $0 per watt of generating capacity. Unless you are connected to the grid you will need a battery bank to storage power for rainy days. As for the effects of weather ... you can probably make a cover out of plywood... but if your house blows away the solar panel goes with it. Before you buy one make sure your insurance covers it.
Does anyone know how I would go about hooking up the air conditioners in my house to solar panels? I would want just the air conditioners to be powered by solar energy. How could I hook it up where the panels can absorb energy from the sun during the day, and save and store the energy so I can run the air conditioners at night? I really feel that in the long run, this would save a lot of money with the energy bill. It's the use of the air conditioners that drive up the bill. Is this idea feasible? Is it also possible to have some sort of hybrid system where I can switch from solar to my regular local energy source when I want to?
There are solar air conditioners. They don't use electricity. Most anyway. The number of photovoltaic panels you would need to run a standard electric air conditioner would cover most of the homes on the block. Read about heat pumps, Thermal storage, swamp coolers, solar heating to get an idea of what is practical. Most solar systems are hybrid because of clouds and nightfall. The best solar homes are designed from the ground up. With plenty of insulation, the right size and orientation of windows and collectors. Putting solar on an existing structure is going to be a misfit half donkey job unless you are very lucky.
Solar panels can significantly enhance a property's overall sustainability by harnessing renewable energy from the sun. They reduce dependence on fossil fuels, decrease carbon emissions, and contribute to energy independence. Additionally, solar panels can generate surplus electricity that can be sold back to the grid, further enhancing the property's sustainability and potentially providing financial benefits.
what is needed beside the panels and do you need an electrician to hook it up
The main components for a solar electric system are the panels, racks for mounting the panels, and inverter to convert the panel's DC power to AC, which can be pumped into the grid if necessary. There would also be various electrical supplies involved - wire, conduit, possibly a switch and/or circuit breaker. On the paperwork side, there's a building permit, permission from the power company to connect, and some inspections. Although it could be done by a homeowner, it's not a trivial project, and the best way to get it set up is to contract a professional solar installer. They all give free quotes, and can explain your various options when they visit.
No, solar panels do not require a battery for energy storage. They can be directly connected to the electrical grid and the excess energy generated during the day can be fed back into the grid and used at night or during cloudy periods. However, batteries can be used to store the excess energy for later use, especially in off-grid systems or areas with unreliable grid access.
Yes, solar panels can be used for street lighting. By harnessing the energy from the sun, solar panels can power street lights, eliminating the need for electricity from the grid and reducing carbon emissions. Solar-powered street lighting systems are increasingly being adopted as a sustainable and cost-effective solution for illuminating streets and public spaces.