Silicon Solar Module Cs6k

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I got a really great deal on 2 houses because they were fixer-uppers. I'm living in one and the other I'm renting out. However, the previous owner did everything himself in 950 95, so needless to say, things are not to todays standards. Both houses need rewiring (there are no ceiling lights, few outlets, and mine has two old fuse boxes and the other has a breaker box but it pops the breaker a lot). The only reason they are still functional is because both houses use natural gas for water and heat, so otherwise, they electrical work is getting us by, but who knows for how long. I thought that maybe instead of redoing the electric, that I could just add solar panels to compensate for the small electric boxes. Also, since I would have to hire electricians to do all the work, which would be more cost effective (not including the decrease in utilities since I don't pay the utilities in the rental anyways)?
No. solar panels would not solve your problems and are usually not cost effective. Solar panels will not help to compensate for undersized electrical service. You would still have to upgrade the existing service. Once that is done you should have no problems and all the electricity you need would come from your power company. Have an electrician come out and do an inspection and tell you what all needs upgrading. Solar panels would save you money on the monthly power bill but the cost to install them would be higher than your savings. If it made economic sense to have solar power then everybody would be doing it. That's why you see very few houses with solar panels on top.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power a military base. Solar power can provide a reliable and sustainable source of energy for various operations and facilities in a military base, reducing dependency on traditional energy sources and enhancing their efficiency and resilience.
I just bought a quot;00 wattsolar panel system to install on my house. I just wanted to know if by 00 watts, does that mean per hour, min, day week or what?
00 watts is like energy consumption. The computer i am using right now is probably around 300 watts right now. It's not always 00 watts, that's probably maximum. And also, watts = volts x amps.
In nature, green leaves collect light and produce energy. Is this what they copied to make solar panels? If not how hard would it be to make artificial leaves that would power our homes?
Not at all. Good guess but they are completely different processes. Solar panels use chemicals that create electricity when exposed to light. Photons pretty much add energy to the atoms and affect the electrons creating electricity. Feel free to look up how solar cells work online.
Yes, solar panels can be installed in areas with high pollution levels. While pollution can reduce the efficiency of solar panels to some extent by blocking sunlight, they can still generate electricity even under such conditions. Regular maintenance and cleaning can help mitigate the impact of pollution on the performance of solar panels, making them a viable option even in areas with high pollution levels. Additionally, installing solar panels can help combat pollution by promoting the use of clean, renewable energy sources.
I'm doing a science fair experiment with a tiny two-inch solar panel that only gives off like .5 volts of energy, but I need to know how many volts an average sized solar panel (like one you'd get to run your house) would produce. And how many panels do people usually get?
2 volt and 24 volt are both common sizes. They are rated in voltage and watts. So you add the watts of the panels and buy enough to produce the amount of watts you need. For example, if you need 400 watts of power at 2 volts, you would buy four 00 watt 2 volt panels and connect them in parallel.
Yes, solar panels can be used for powering water treatment plants. Solar energy can be harnessed and converted into electricity to operate the various processes involved in water treatment, such as filtration, disinfection, and pumping. This renewable energy source can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels, lower operational costs, and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly water treatment process.
Its cloudy out and i have a solar panel that has 3, .5 volt cells But how do i charge it without sun any other ways?
For the best answers, search on this site The charge controller will protect the battery. You might want to think about getting a fuse.