Kids Canopy Bed

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I'm a college student and I'm moving out of the dorms into an apartment. It's not a furnished apartment so I'm trying to choose between a futon bed or just a rollaway bed. Which one would you guys recommend?
A good mattress on a roll away bed . buy a sheet, bed spread or blanket in a larger size and some body pillows and you can use it for seating when not used for sleeping. Best would be to try to buy a real bed your body will thank you!
I am considering getting my almost 3 year old a new twin-size or set of bunk beds. I'm not sure if anyone has had experience with younger children and bunk beds and if it was good/bad? Any problems going from toddler size to twin size?
My boys (ages 3 and almost 5) sleep in bunk beds. The 3 y/o on the bottom and the older boy on the top. The bunk beds that we bought has a railing that goes almost all the way around the top bunk. They have been sleeping in them since before Christmas and haven't had any problems with them yet. We skipped the toddler bed stage all together. I couldn't see buying a toddler bed that is still the size of a crib and only getting to use it for a little while. We went straight to twin beds for the boys, then onto these bunk beds. Since they share a room, it's great to have the extra space in their room. If it's just the one child you could use the top bunk to store things like teddy bears and stuffed animals. Just evaluate how much you want to spend on the bed and go from there. Good luck!!!
What is the best website to find Crib Bedding Sets at a reasonable price?
Reconsider spending money on an entire crib bedding set. There all lovely looking, but it's recommended to not use the bumpers comforter as a SIDS prevention measure. All you really need are a bunch of crib sheets a crib skirt (well that's more for looks). Inexpensive cute at Wal-mart and Target.
What type of double bed won't squeak or make any noise? I hate having the entire house knowing what i'm doing in there.Any suggestions? Beds with mattresses included? Wooden beds? Makes of beds?Much appreciation x
It okorder .
I usually use Carefresh but someone gave me a huge bag of aspen bedding. Is it okay for my ratties? Have you used it? Thanks.
I don't see any problem with it...
Buy dogs beds Easy
Setters are a nice breed, intelligent and soft.
I have a mattress, a bed box, and a metal frame currently, but I want my bed to be higher. Should I purchase another box or bed raisers? Or something else? Please help.
bed raisers are cheap and easy....dont put a brick or book under your bed forget the fact that it sound like it wont work my brother foolishly did that and just ruined books and his bed moves now :p
I want to get a new bed and I was looking at the PBteen beds because they have storage under them and I need that. I found one and I like it, but I didn't know if anyone had the Beadboard Bed and how they like it. Is it good quality?
your hott... Plus that looks like a really cool bed..