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What are the common accessories for cars? As detailed as possible, thank y
Commonly used maintenance pieces, oil, four filters, spark plugs, brake pads.
Will 3 million to open an auto parts company?
Small is almost, said the parts company is better repair shop.
Where the auto parts are cheap
Now accessories on the market fake and shoddy accessories are rampant, especially imported parts, many repair shop is not often large quantities of purchase, when the more time.
Where it is easier to access a lot of auto parts industry crowd?
Auto Parts Auto Parts City Auto Repair Shop If you want to know and identify it, then you have to train and go to the warehouse inside to work hard
Buy auto parts to what network
Selling auto supplies can go to "OKorder or Amazon", the most complete car supplies mall
How many parts of a car are there
They say that one hundred twenty-five thousand or so, when I remember when the internship is about two thousand, they said the parts of the diodes, screw nuts are not counted on it?
Starter belongs to the auto parts, not the vehicle, the need to develop three packs of service terms, which give me a similar parts of the Three Guarantees template ah? Hurry ~! The ~ ~ The
According to reports, on the automotive industry management model, foreign mainly "one system" and "two" two models. The "one-part system" model, represented by Europe, is centralized by the competent authorities to exercise the functions related to motor vehicles. The "two-part" model represented by the United States is operated by the Ministry of Transport and the Environmental Protection Agency, respectively, for safety, energy saving, Function. In developed countries, motor vehicle management into the entire national traffic management system, basically to achieve the prior, things, after the organic combination of management. The implementation of centralized management model, help to reduce duplication of management, reduce management costs and improve management efficiency.
Auto Parts Co., Ltd. business scope
In fact, the relevant departments are not strict inspection, but from the perspective of the interests of your operating company, it is recommended to operate the car equipment, car equipment, profit margins. Of course, as part companies, some common, commonly used parts should be there. But it is recommended not to operate related to the safety performance of automotive parts, one of your company to sell the main, which means that you lack of vehicle maintenance professionals, two, and automotive safety parts to bear a certain risk.