Bendable Solar Cells

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I have heard you can make your own solar panels.... But How?Where do you start? Is it cheap, or should I just BUY them already made?
A few months ago my wife and I were going through the same thing. We ended up purchasing a small PV set as a trial basis but then we realized that it would take waaaay too long to pay back our investment. We started doing some research and ended up buying a few different books/videos on how to make our own solar panels on the cheap. Most of the books are OK (some are pretty terrible, though). We ended up using most of our information from Home Made Energy, check them out:
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a sloped roof. In fact, sloped roofs are a common choice for solar panel installations as they offer an optimal angle for capturing sunlight. However, it is important to consider the pitch and orientation of the roof to ensure maximum efficiency and proper installation.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on data centers. In fact, many data centers are increasingly adopting solar energy solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and dependence on non-renewable energy sources. Installing solar panels on data centers helps generate clean and sustainable electricity, thereby promoting environmental sustainability and cost savings in the long run.
I want to be more green and if I get the panels will I still have a regular electric bill?
The most cost-effective solution, which the vast majority of new installs use today, is solar alongside the regular power company. That way, you need no batteries, and if the solar array isn't producing enough at any given time, you draw from the electric company. When the array is producing more than you need, instead of just throwing that power away, the power company buys it (usually). In short, yes, you will still have an electric bill, but a smaller one. On our house, the electric bill was a little less than $5 a month, with an end-of-year settlement of an additional $2. How much does it cost? Unfortunately, that's like asking how much personal transportation costs. Some people need a van to transport the kids to soccer, some may get by with a motorcycle, others may need only a bicycle. The best thing is to contact a professional installer to get a quote based on your location and electrical usage. Solar electric does not make financial sense in all areas. Our array cost $2,000 but don't use that as a guide. Yours might be 0 times that, or half that, depending on your area and needs.
We want make solar panel for our home use. but we have no any right idea how we can make it. we want to make it with cheap prices.we also want to know the proper size of solar panel.where we can take help about making a solar panel
In another building, workers weld solar cells together into strips, then align them by eye on a light box to form the rows and columns of cells that make up a complete solar panel.
I am interested in solar energy, but am not sure how eficiant it would be in the northwest? Any comments would be apriciated.
If you have southern exposure . Go for it.
lately i have been interested in solar power. i own my own home and in Texas it's HOT, so my A/C is always on and that light bill is like $300.00 a month. i was looking at other light companies but then i remembered that there are the so called solar power but i dont knowknow to start or how it would work to power the a/c machine...pls help
I live near a community in Mexico where hey have no power. It is in the desert and is perfect for solar because they only have 3-4 in. rain a year. It is on the beach so many wealthy have homes there that are on solar systems. I have helped my friends set up and work on many of them. Solar systems WILL NOT normally support air conditioning unless you install a gas powered ammonia or lithium Bromide system. In these systems the refrigeration cycle heat is supplied by the gas instead of a compressor, so the only electrical power is a small circulation pump which will not drain batteries fast. These are a problem in some areas because not many people know how to maintain and repair this type of system. Some of my friends claim they can run a very small one room AC on their solar systems just to at least have a place to sleep that is cool. Others say it is questionable. Please understand these systems are not cheap. Most of them paid $20,000 - $35,000 and even more if you use the ammonia cycle AC. The systems usually have 0-2 panels, a 0-5 KW gas generator, and large bank of large batteries like ones you use in a golf cart or bigger. I also must apologize to all the environmentalists for the inconvenient truth.
How long does it take a 5 watt, 2 volt solar panel to charge a 2 volt R.V. battery?
Most solar panels have something called a charge controller on them. This prevents electricity from going backwards from the battery to the panel. Solar panels are rated at 2V but they do put out a little more than that during full sun operation. You didn't specify the size of your battery but it really doesn't matter. It comes down to your consumption of power. If you are only charging the RV battery so it maintains a charge when you don't use it very much, a 5 watt panel is fine. It will charge the battery and keep the small drains on the battery from making it go dead ( the clock radio, the theft deterrent system, etc use power even when RV is off) But if you are using the battery to run things when you are parked, you probably don't have a big enough panel. If you use a 30watt fluorescent light and a 00 watt laptop, you need 30 watts of power saved up every hour in your battery and that's with no inefficiencies. So if your panel puts out 5 watts an hour and you are using 30 watts an hour, you need 30 watts/ 5 watts = 9 hours minimum of charge time to run your stuff for just one hour. You probably need a panel of around a 00 watts to get any meaningful use of your battery. Plus, you never want to run your battery to full drain because it ruins the plates inside the battery. Watts = volts x amps. If you have 2 volts panels, you would charge at 8 amps with a 00 watt panel. This is a good charge rate. Any more than this and you risk warping the plates with too much heat.