Creative Ceiling Tiles

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Gypsum board ceiling cracks how to repair after the crack will not be
Step 1, with a multi-function knife to remove loose gypsum. Turn the knife so that the gap is larger and make the lines of the edges clearer. Remove the gypsum debris and keep the walls around the gap in the structural integrity. Clean the loose gypsum and dust with a vacuum cleaner. Step 2, the thick plaster mixed with water, and then stained with water paint brush completely wet the cracks. Fill the plaster in the wetted crack (or repair the mixture), and then use the scraper or mud knife to smooth the surface. Let the filled cracks at least dry for 24 hours. Step 3, wait for gypsum dry, the medium sandpaper or fine sandpaper wrapped in wood outside, gently polished repair the place. If the cracks are wide, then at least once again cast a gypsum, so that the surface is smooth, and each time the place will be plaster again wet again. After finishing the last gypsum, let the area dry for at least 24 hours. Step 4, once again gently polished repair the place, and then coated with a thin layer of paint or primer. After the end of the paint dry, give the whole wall paint.
Gypsum board ceiling will not fall off
Recommended the use of integrated ceiling, gypsum ceiling has been quickly eliminated
How to install the ceiling on the gypsum board ceiling
Can be in the case of its permission in the gypsum board to open a hole in the light steel keel to add a piece of wood can be fixed lamps. You can also make an expansion bolt to add a wire to a wire.
Some people say that the seam is really good cloth with kraft paper is good, is that so?
The fixed bolt of the fixed bolt is not selected, the pitch is not the modulus This type of situation mainly occurs in the porous YKB board floor, in the determination of hanging spacing, YKB board modulus size, part of the expansion screw fixed point falls in the YKB board hole, then expansion bolt expansion head in the hole, can not be fixed, Resulting in the ceiling fixed point up and down, about the activities of the gap, the hanging point seems to be a force point, in fact, once it will be deformed force.
Decoration plaster line is good or gypsum board ceiling effect map
Beautiful words, of course, gypsum board. But the cost is relatively high. Gypsum line is now more popular. Cheap. Beautiful.
Home decoration in the ceiling to do light, the distance from the top ah?
The specific reference number is the ceiling from the top 140mm to 160mm or from the professional installation of the master to measure and install.
How do I install the ceiling?
Light steel keel gypsum board ceiling. Gypsum board is based on plaster as the main raw material mixed with additives made of fiber, with light, heat, sound absorption, non-combustible and sawable and other properties. Gypsum board and light steel keel (made of galvanized steel), will constitute a light steel keel gypsum board. Light steel keel gypsum board with a variety of smallpox, including gypsum board, decorative gypsum board, fiber gypsum board, hollow gypsum board. There are a variety of specifications on the market. At present, the use of light steel keel gypsum board ceiling for the partition wall, used to make relatively small shape of smallpox.
Gypsum ceiling appear moldy how to do
And then is on the gypsum ceiling moldy treatment. You can first wipe with alcohol bleaching alcohol, if not too serious, rub the next two can be removed mold. There is also a mold removal method is to use 84 disinfectant. But it is easy to stimulate the skin, so remember to wear plastic gloves must be used, and use clean water.