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Metal will never die.
Death Metal - Mayhem Black Metal - Darkthrone Melodic Death Metal - Emperor Heavy Metal - Bloodduster other metal - Zeni Geva and of course.... DETHKLOK!!!!!
When metal reacts with water a __________ is produced
Silver metal is added to hot water or exposed to steam No reaction Zinc metal is added to hot water or exposed to steam Yes produces zinc oxide and hydrogen Chromium metal is added to hydrochloric acid Yes, produces chromium chloride and hydrogen Lead metal is added to cold water No reaction Mercury metal is added to hydrochloric acid No reaction
Heavy metalThrash metal ect.
What Does Base Metal Mean
A lot of 'nu-metal' bands are considered alternative metal bands. Are the two genres different? I believe there is a slight difference. So the main question is... are they the same? What makes them different?
In the most basic way: Black metal: Highly distorted, fast played guitars, heavy use of double bass and blastbeats, gurgling, screaming vocals (think crows). Lyrics deal with Norse mythology, satanism (especially in Scandinavia), but also depression. To get a taste of it, try Immortal, Darkthrone, 1349.
Or are they more black metal?
A semi conductor and a conductor differ mostly in the number of free electrons in the element. I'm not clear on what you mean by generate electricity as they do not normally generate electricity but are used to make various electronic components (transistors and such ) silicon,germanium are two examples.
the Heavy Metal Machine from machina
yes the can and speed metal is all about playing fast and thrash metal is fast and aggressive
i think it was a good addition to metal, but others don't seem to agree.
i hear yea about the nu metal Demons and wizards - power, Fairyland - epic metal, Gravedigger - thrash metal, Therion - classical/opera metal,
How does the reactivity of a metal increase its value
i'm not a fan of it since i don't like hard music it's a great genre