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Yes, nursery trays can definitely be used for indoor gardening. They provide a convenient and organized way to start and grow plants indoors. Nursery trays are designed with multiple compartments that can hold individual plants or seedlings, allowing for easier transplanting and monitoring of plant growth. Additionally, they often have built-in drainage holes to prevent waterlogging and promote healthy root development.
Yes, nursery trays can be used for starting plants from rhizomes. Rhizomes are underground stems that produce roots and shoots, so they can be planted horizontally in nursery trays filled with a suitable growing medium. This allows for easy monitoring and transplanting of the rhizomes once they have developed into young plants.
I used general purpose cleaning alcohol on the clear plastic door of a phone and it turned foggy with white residue. Please tell me what has happened and is there any way I can fix it and remove the white foggy residue from the clear plastic parts.
The alcohol destabilized the outer layers of the plastic there isn't any thing that I know of that will fix it lets ask the mind of reason whats to do ...Mr. Hawkens? your verdict ?
my little brother broke his plastic frame glasses at school today and im trying to fix them before our parents get home but krazy glue isnt working! maybe because its oldis there anything that might be good for a quick fix?
Lock Tite super glue works fine.
Plastic irrigation pipes are used in agriculture to provide a reliable and efficient method of delivering water to crops. These pipes are typically laid out in a network across fields and connected to a water source. By controlling the flow and direction of water, farmers can ensure that their crops receive the necessary amount of water for growth, especially during dry periods. Plastic pipes are preferred due to their durability, flexibility, and resistance to corrosion, making them a cost-effective and sustainable solution for irrigation in agriculture.
Some of the best ground cover plants for attracting bees include creeping thyme, clover, wildflowers like lavender and poppies, and herbs such as oregano and mint. These plants not only provide a beautiful ground cover but also offer an abundant supply of nectar and pollen, making them highly attractive to bees.
There are several types of greenhouse films used in horticulture, including polyethylene films, polycarbonate films, acrylic films, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) films. Each type of film offers different benefits and characteristics, such as light transmission, durability, and insulation properties, allowing horticulturists to choose the most suitable film for their specific needs.
Some ground cover options for a modern or minimalist garden include ornamental grasses, succulents, moss, gravel, and low-growing evergreen plants. These options provide a clean and sleek appearance while requiring minimal maintenance.