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The family has been renovated for 2 years, gypsum top gun nail rust how to deal with
To be completely done, you need to rusty nail eye position putty gray pick away, and then in the nail point where the point of paint (oil-soluble), and then scratch the putty again, and then brush twice the latex paint (each process Dry after grinding to flat and then the next process). Simple handling, then the nail eye position putty gray pick away, point paint after the putty ash, and then latex paint on the dry putty gray surface, but this will be obvious old and new traces.
Stairs on top of the gypsum board ceiling how to install 20KG heavy crystal lamp?
1, if you leave the position into the top of the ceiling, you can install a hanging plate in the roof of a hanging plate, in the corresponding ceiling position to dig a 5 cm or smaller point of the hole, hanging from the roof hanging a chain down, digging the hole The part can be installed with a hanging bell to cover. 2, if there is no way to ceiling, it is recommended to choose a little light, the ceiling to withstand the pressure of too much time is easy to go wrong. ???? Ceiling (prung roof), refers to the housing living environment of the top decoration. The ceiling is an important sub-division project of the building decoration project. The ceiling has the function of insulation, insulation, sound insulation and sound absorption. It is also a hidden layer of electrical, ventilation and air conditioning, communication and fire prevention, alarm pipeline equipment and so on. The ceiling in the whole room decoration occupies a very important position on the top of the room for the appropriate decoration, not only to beautify the indoor environment, but also create a colorful interior space art image. In the choice of ceiling decoration materials and design programs, to follow the two materials, solid, safe, and beautiful, practical principles.
Ready to decorate, will the sauna board ceiling and gypsum board ceiling, the price of the two?
This price is hard to say clearly at all, like a gypsum board ceiling, a ceiling with a flat roof, the price is different. Sauna board is thin and thick price is not the same, but also have to paint this problem, that price is different In general, the sauna board is more expensive than the gypsum board.
Gypsum board wall batch of gray do not brush latex paint can be directly posted wallpaper?
Gypsum board wall batch of gray do not have to brush latex paint can be directly posted wallpaper, if the brush latex paint paste wallpaper, but may be used in a long time yellowing drum off.
Since the gypsum so afraid of water, then why should the production of waterproof gypsum board, water gypsum board, moisture gypsum board it?
Afraid of water, of course, try not to use in the water or humid environment, and now in the decoration, the use is still more, there are gypsum board because of the small density, which a lot of space, a good sound absorption
How to prevent gypsum board from cracking during construction?
The second floor that is not right, even within one centimeter of the most appropriate, if the intensity can not strengthen the tape, with the use of good cloth cut, with white latex brush, absolutely to force
What is the effect of kitchen gypsum board?
Useless, gypsum board had to latex paint, I have done a, I use or Nippon exterior paint are not cleaned, then the designer simply do not understand in the flicker you
The back of the cabinet to do the wall, do not have to use a layer of gypsum board, and then brush latex paint it?
This is possible, but only in the gypsum board, the edge of the gap, sticking on the seam cloth, so you can prevent cracks.