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1) Which person in any metal gear game is your favorite?2) Which metal gear game is your favorite?3) Do you think metal gear will ever be made into a movie?
try a song thats a bit softer and not as aggressive, like iron maiden or judas priest. no slayer
I thought it was rap mixed with metal, but I constantly am being told that certian bands I thought were something else, like Slipknot for example, are actually Nu Metal. So, what exactly IS Nu Metal?
Metal Church Helloween Rage Manowar (more like heavy metal, but has some power metal songs) Primal Fear Gamma Ray
I have to watch these videos of non identifiable substances and all it shows is it's Appearance, Malleability, Conductivity and reaction in water and acid. I don't know how I would know if these substances were non metal or metal? Any ideas?
its very simple it the amout of protons and electrons that the atom contains. 2 outer electrons to 1 requires more energy to break off that second electron I believe the amount of energy required to do such is consisdered to be called electron affinity
Do pure metals form crystals? ...What determines their conductivity? the crystalline structure or the filled inner shells?
Metals, in general, are malleable and ductile; they are good reflectors of optical radiation and good absorbers of longer-wave radiation such as microwaves and radio waves; they are good conductors of heat and electricity. They form positive ions in combination. Most metals combine fairly easily with other (nonmetallic) elements; metals can dissolve in each other to form alloys.
Any sub-genres like prog death metal is ok. No Prog Black Metal though.
Dying Fetus Cannibal Corpse Krisiun Suffocation Vital Remains Sinister Severe Torture Origin Abhorrence (Brazil) Nephasth Immolation Headhunter DC Necros Christos Hypocrisy Kataklysm Deicide (old)
I listen to much metal, from classic heavy metal to death metal, and I would like to know what is the heaviest metal genre. I want your answer to be filled with facts, not just like quot;x is heaviestquot;. Discuss please, thank you.
I agree whole-heatedly with Roxel. I was shocked to find that one of my favorite alternative metal bands, Sevendust, was labeled as nu metal on Wikipedia. I don't believe it. Disturbed certainly seems to lean more towards alternative metal than nu metal.
and what makes a band not metal. I'm not really a metalhead. I like more hard rock and punk but I hang out with metalheads and they seem to hate this kid because he listens to Avenged Sevenfold, Slipknot, Disturbed, Bullet for my Valentine, etc. He says he's a metalhead and thinks of Slipknot as a a death metal band which all my friends don't even consider Slipknot metal.What makes a band metal? Is it the loud distorted wall of sound, evil sounding riffs, or fast machine gun drumming? What makes a band like Metallica metal compared to a band like Linkin Park?BQ: Favorite genre of metal BQ2: Favortie metal band
*thrash. you should google it instead of asking a bunch of lame people on here who wouldnt know good music if it ripped out their entrails.
BQ1: Is AC/DC heavy metal?BQ2: Is Deep Purple heavy metal?BQ3: Is Van Halen heavy metal?BQ4: What is your favourtie heavy metal band?
I know of Black Heaven... it's a pretty light anime with romance, it's about the main character re-establishing a metal band. I haven't actually watched it so I'm not sure how much music is in it or exactly what it's like, but it has some kind of metal...