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Standard Wood Trim Profiles Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Standard Wood Trim Profiles supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Standard Wood Trim Profiles firm in China.

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Light steel keel wall to withstand the number of wind load
Light steel keel wall with light weight, high strength, good fire resistance, versatility and easy installation characteristics, to adapt to shock, dust, noise, sound absorption, constant temperature and other effects, but also has a short duration, Easy to deformation and so on.
Light steel keel wall Why use gypsum board to do grass-roots level?
It is not necessary to use gypsum board but gypsum board there are many other materials can not replace the advantages of easy paint on the paint, such as latex is also its weight is more suitable for the keel does not have too much pressure on the pressure there are other advantages One by one in detail the gypsum board used in light steel keel partition is a good choice.
Light steel keel installed security door how loaded really
It is recommended to install two square steel pipes vertically and fixed on the concrete floor and floor. The security door is mounted on the square steel pipe
Light steel keel wall to remove the price
General demolition is to ask the workers, the price of workers depends on the local price, should be the price of each place are different, hope to have a role in you.
Light steel keel wall cheap or cheap red brick
Now steel is more expensive! Red brick a 4 corner 2 points! It's cheaper to look at yourself!
Light steel keel partition wall construction process is what
Processes: Bracket, Divider Pillow Pillow (Design Required) Fixed along the top, along the keel fixed Bone keel installation Vertical keel installation door, window frame installation Additional keel installation Support keel, check keel installation Electrical pipe , Installation of the installation of the wall equipment, a cover panel filled with sound insulation material installation, the other side of the panel panels and corners of the treatment of quality inspection.
The walls are light steel keel gypsum board partition, the property requirements can not move, but I would like to do a word on the wall shelf, how construction?
Can only use the exhibition frame. You may be a mall. Now shopping malls are so, independent to be a exhibition,
Light steel keel gypsum board wall height is how to determine
According to the British standard BS5234, different use of the partition wall has different stiffness requirements, the maximum height of the partition wall to determine the criteria for a certain surface load W conditions, the wall of the maximum deflection y does not exceed L / 240; The maximum deformation can not be greater than the L / 240 well system under the 200Pa uniform load. The wind load is superimposed and the uniform load will become larger