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Is industrial air cooler or air conditioning good?
Air cooler for general occasions, so, in fact, cooling effect is also general.
Residential areas under the shops, there is no law, shops can not install industrial air-conditioning?
I'm glad to answer that for you:
What is the difference between the refrigeration industry association of China and the China Refrigeration society?
It is one of the first class associations of China Association of science and technology
Air conditioner is suitable for industrial enterprises?
They will certainly say that there is no air conditioner that they can't design / manufacture. They are all powerful, and you can ask Jiang Li if you don't believe it.
Who knows how much is the price of GREE air conditioning t appointed frequency
T slide design T design of T type Di Feng Ye Di plastic panel T toughened glass panel T price is higher than the T Di said two products are energy saving two energy
What is the central air conditioning? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Therefore, the household central air-conditioning as a step in place, never backward choice.
Where is the demand for industrial air conditioners larger?
I used to have a home air conditioner, and the clients did it and let the boss take it so efficiently..
What is the difference between dehumidifier and air conditioner, which is good, air conditioner or dehumidifier?
In fact, this is a consumer misunderstanding, the main function of the air conditioner is cooling and heating, air conditioner with dehumidification function can desiccant, but a small amount of desiccant, desiccant slow; and in the southern region of the rainy season, the temperature is not high, if used to dehumidify air conditioning, blowing cold, more dehumidification will more cold, feel quite uncomfortable.