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How do you paint the furniture?
Burnish.After the paint is dry, polish the furniture over and over with a fine sandpaper. This time, sanding was done to burnish the uneven areas of the paint and to paint the paint behind it.The sixth step, paint second times.Brush the paint second times over the third steps. Note that if the paint is too strong, you can add a little amount of rubber water, dilute the paint, and then brush. Then continue to dry and polish.The seventh step, paint third times.Follow the steps above to brush the paint again, so the furniture is painted.The eighth step, with a handle and other decorations.Put away the decorations that were removed from the handle, and the whole furniture would be painted, and the furniture would be painted evenly and beautifully, and the whole room would be beautiful.
What's the difference between furniture, furniture and home furnishings?
From the point of view of words, furniture is a household appliance; in some places it is called furniture, that is, household sundries.
What is panel furniture?
Panel furniture is made of medium density fiberboard or shaving board by surface overlaying. A large part of this furniture is a grainy imitation of furniture. At present, some of the panel furniture sold on the market is more and more realistic, gloss, feel and so on are good, fine workmanship products, prices are also very expensive.
What furniture does the floor heating apply to?
But if you put the furniture against the wall, warm according to pavement specifications, should be 50 cm away from the wall began laying, general furniture only a small part in the heating coil above. Floor heating is low temperature heating, heating water temperature is less than 50 degrees celsius. It won't have a big effect on furniture. Wall warming is high temperature heating, water temperature of more than 70 degrees celsius. If the indoor air humidity can be effectively maintained, it will not affect the furniture.
What is solid furniture?
Fixed furniture decoration company responsible for on-site construction site construction, but many shortcomings, poor production quality, harmful substances of the serious environmental pollution, construction noise affect residents' life and work, and can not be disassembled very difficult to repair and maintenance. Later, people gradually through the outsourcing factory processing solid furniture, the factory according to the design drawings and technical requirements in the factory for standardization production, and then shipped to the scene splicing, assembly molding.
What materials do you use for furniture?
Furniture is a man-made sheet particleboard, fiberboard, plywood and other material of the production of furniture, it is a new type of furniture after the second world war developed, it takes the traditional production methods, and with a metal rod, dowel joint assembly etc.. The main parts of panel furniture have the function of bearing, enclosure and decoration.
What board is good for furniture?
Comparison of wood-based panel furniture and solid wood furniture, solid wood furniture, solid wood furniture refers to the furniture made from natural wood, furniture surface can generally see the texture of wood. Of wood furniture on the market generally has two kinds, one is the pure solid wood furniture, all timber furniture is solid wood, including the desktop, cupboard door, side Dengjun made of pure solid wood, do not use any other man-made board.
What furniture is good for decoration?
Conclusion: durability is the first concern of furniture for consumers. The furniture chosen must be genuine and beautiful. On the basis of practical, it not only ensures the beautiful effect of the whole space, but also avoids the trouble of the renovation because of the poor furniture. Why not?. The quality of its furniture must pass, and even size and size should be based on their own home needs to buy