Solar Panel Module

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I would like to know if I had a mobile kitchen could I power it from solar panels mounted atop the vehicle (truck).(to power electric kitchen equipment, i.e. stove, deep fryer.), instead of propane…could I possibly connect the solar panels to a battery to save my generated electricity? If solar panels would not be enough power could a small windmill suffice…?
The best way to find out is to determine the wattage of each piece of equipment you want to use and how many hours you want to use those pieces of equipment. Finally, calculate the total number of Watt-Hours you need at minimum. Then you need to research solar panels or mobile wind mills (they need to be pretty huge to get a decent amount of energy I think, so solar power is probably the way to go). You will need to figure out the efficiency of the solar panels, the size of the array, how you will turn it or if you will turn it at all (to face the sun to get the maximum energy input, or maybe to use mirrors so you don't have to turn it. Once you find a good configuration for your mobile kitchen, you need to calculate if the Watt-Hours you will generate on an average day (with average weather) is enough to power the equipment whose energy requirements you previously calculated. Then you have to keep in mind that some days will have no sun, and you may not be working on some days, but you can still capture sunlight. For each case, a large battery array will be required. If you had a guage on that array, you could also hook it up to the a small generator in case you need immediate power. It's an eco-friendly process, but the initial cost is high and it requires a lot of research and planning. This is why most people do not do it--not because they don't want free energy from the sun, but because it's not easy to start collecting that energy in an efficient way. Sorry I couldn't give you more specific numbers, but a solar panel sales agency should be able to estimate whether or not you could do it (they'd probably set it all up for you too). ^_^
Have a 20V 40W solar panel and it is attach to two backup batteries. Just want to know know how many watt of inverter do I need?
It depends on what you want to run from the panel. A 20W inverter might last a long time, but would not run much. A 00W inverter might run down your batteries in a few hours. It might help if you posted how much capacity (Volts, Amp-Hours) the batteries have.
do solar panels create electricity from the ultraviolet light created from the sun? because they only have an efficientcy of like 8% and this scientist found out a way to collect the visible light also, and he says the solar panel could have an effeciency of up to 80%! so my question really is, do solar penels creat electricity from heat? do you know of anything that can?
Not many people realise it, but Einstein did not win the Nobel Prize for either Theory of Relativity. He was awarded the prize for his work on the photoelectric effect. i.e. the ability of some materials to take photons of light and turn their energy into electricity. Now, since most of the Sun's UV rays are filtered out by the Earth's atmosphere, else we'd be able to get a sunburn in seconds walking around outside in daylight, I think there is some energy imparted to the solar cells by UV wavelengths of light, but most solar cell materials rely on the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation we call visible. Plus, I always thought infrared wavelengths conveyed more heat energy than UV rays.
I recently got into solar panels, I have little background in electronics but I have done a little electrical work in the past and just want to make a small 36 cell panel to power a 2v battery that would run my a small tv (9 inch) and PS3 for a few hours every night. I have been looking up on how to do it before I get in over my head and I have a few questions.... After you solder all of the cells together then what? Do you hook all of the rows of cells together somehow? Can you connect them straight to a battery? After you hook to the battery do you hook up a power inverter to get the 2 AC plugs that would be needed? Thanks in advance for any help....
i'm involved approximately do-it yourselfers, i'm one, yet... Sorry to inform you, yet connecting image voltaic panels to grid capacity will require an electrician. there are a number of standards for specific disconnects to circumvent harm to the utillity corporation workers that would desire to be seen. you will additionally might desire to have an inverter sized to verify your panels. the straight forward answer is to connect your panels to something specific, without connecting it into your place wiring. An occasion is to connect your water properly pump to image voltaic capacity and disconnect it from the grid. yet you will nonetheless want an inverter and could might desire to calculate the capacity demands of the pump and the quantity of capacity available out of your panels, which varies via your longitude and variety. It sound like an straight forward element to do, yet without specific training and adventure you would be sorry in case you attempt this your self.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power a zoo. Solar energy can be harnessed through panels to generate electricity that can power various facilities within a zoo, including enclosures, buildings, and even some of the exhibits. This sustainable energy source can help reduce the zoo's carbon footprint and reliance on traditional power grids.
I want to know how to hook up a Solartech SPM020P-R, 20W Solar Panel to a single outlet that you can but at a store.
That panel you reference puts out about 20W. @ 8V of DC. You can't wire that to a standard 20V outlet without a battery/inverter unit. Even then, you don't get a useful amount of power. In a full day you would collect enough energy to run a small TV for about an hour.
I'm wondering if the cost of the panels and equipment have come down enough to make them viable in areas like Seattle or Vancuver for example.
The key is the average insolation value for the location. This is a number that represents the effective numbers of sunlight available per day. The insolation for Seattle varies from 2.9 and 3.57, depending on who is reporting the number. The insolation where I live, near San Francisco is 5. For me, solar is paying off.
How do you know when it is a good deal to buy a solar panel. For example, what is a good cost per watt, how many volts should I expect, etc.
first okorder / example: house roof is 20' x 20' 20' = 240, so sq. inches of roof is = 57,600 say rain fall for your area is 3 per month on average. 57,600 x 3 = 72,800 of rain collected. Using the conversion chart link above, that many cubic inches of water = 750 gallons of water free per month. Look at your water bill and see how much you use. Solar panels take on average 2-20 yrs to pay themselves off, just in time for them to be replaced. Paddle wheels go on for just about forever. We still find large paddle wheel mills in the USA that are over 200 yrs old, and still functioning.