Sofa Fabric

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The corner sofa can change the position of the corner, Ma?
Before buying, you must first measure the size of your own house and consult the salesperson at the time of purchase. In combination with the actual situation, see if your space size can fit your favorite corner sofa
Rosewood imperial chair and mahogany sofa together?
Imperial concubine chair belongs to miss room and bedroom put, sofa is sitting room put, mix together is not good-looking.
What color sofa does the living room white wall have?
With wine red good-looking, such as joint furniture, Taobao shop, A91 model, the effect of that one will match well. They want to be happy.Or a chocolate colored sofa, or beige.
Pure cloth sofa and annatto furniture how to match?
You can choose yellow fabric sofa, simple and generous.
How to repair the broken skin sofa
Determine whether the broken area is too large, and whether the broken parts are concentrated.Most leather sofas are made of many small leather cars to improve the utilization of the leather. If the broken area is small, but also the public color, you can go to the local leather market to find close leather, contact the local sofa repair small factories for repair, contact the field sofa factory, transportation costs are too high. If the large area of leather is damaged, it will be repaired again.
Such units, living rooms, which wall sofa, which wall TV better? What's the saying?
The couch is on the west wall and the TV is on the east so that when people sit watching TV, they face the east. The west is the place to release the mess, like the public toilet, which are usually built in the west. That sounds to me, too... And in general, the TV is put East, sofa side wash, and the door to see, and our living room is like this.
What are the skills of furniture selection?
The style of furniture refers to the general characteristics of furniture's shape, texture, color, scale and proportion. Different materials, structures, shapes, colors and other furniture formed in a certain environment, has its unique style. The style of furniture in the house depends on the interest and interest of the host, just as the different nationalities have their special tastes and styles. But the important thing is to follow the principle of "harmony" to choose furniture. It is not appropriate to put different styles of furniture in the same space.
My living room sofa is 3+1 combination, can you tell me whether the floor lamp and the corner will be nice together? Will it seem crowded?
You should see the sofa color is very tidy person (sofa corner if such pictures, add a few small space, has the best put some, can walk around.). If so, add color to your love of the carpet with one or two simple small sofa wall pictures compose (letterpress) should be! In addition, behind the sofa cushions and one or two (not!) their love color, pattern of pillows, table fine long through these, it would be clean, and can see the collocation part carpet, increase visual space, to see the overall effect of layout decent!