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They don't sound like heavy metal to me..
Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Epica, After Forever, Within Temptation!
1) Metal P + H2O = hydroxide of Metal P and H2 (moderate rate) (Metal P discovered in A.D. 1808)What is metal P? Give some reasons.2) Metal R + aqueous solution of Mercury nitrate = Metal Q + aqueous solution of nitrate of Metal RMetal R + dilute HCL = No reaction (Metal R discovered in B.C., year not recorded)What is metal R? Give some reasons.3) Oxide of Metal S + CO = S + CO2 (Metal S discovered in A.D. 1000)Oxide of S + H2 = No reactionWhat is metal S? Give some reasons.4) Arrange metals P, Q, S and Mercury in decreasing order of reactivity.5) How to balance Al + Fe(2+) = Al(3+) + Fe?
* Metals are elements that have atoms arranged in rows. The electrons are easily released from metal atoms so that layers of metal atoms exist in a 'sea' of electrons. * Examples of Metals are gold, copper, lead, zinc, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium and mercury. * Physical Properties of Metals include shiny lustre, greyish - silver colour, hardness, good heat and electricity conductivity, high melting and boiling points, malleability (can be hammered into a sheet) and ductility (can be pulled into a wire). Some exceptions to these are the metals - sodium and calcium (very soft), gold and copper (yellowish colour), and mercury (low melting and boiling points). * Chemical Properties of Metals Some metals are more reactive than others. This is because very reactive metals lose electrons easily. Metals such as sodium are very reactive and are explosive in air. Metals such as gold are very unreactive, and therefore do not corrode or tarnish in air.
How do metals exist? Pure metal or metal oxide? Is the process reversible(From metal to metal oxide or metal something and vise versa)? And the copper, iron, etc. that we use in daily life are metal oxide or pure metal?
Atreyu - Doomsday Black Sabbath - Paranoid Anthrax - Caught In A Mosh,Bring The Noise Megadeth - Symphony Of Destruction Slayer - Raining Blood,Jihad Metallica - Battery,The Memory Remains,St. Anger Lamb Of God - Redneck,Ghost Walking,Laid To Rest,Ruin Slipknot - Before I Forget,Duality,Psychosocial
real metal doesnt sell out
Black Metal by a little bit BQ Black Metal - Emperor, in fact any band with Ihsahn in it. Thrash Metal - Metallica
tell me some epic metal songs....
Makes Metallica look like kiddie metal.
A metal that doesnt absorb much light.
folk metal is basically like, if you went back in time 300 years, and played the same music they played, but in the style of metal, and quite often incorporates traditional instruments, none of which I actually know the name of, but check out the band Eluveitie to see what I'm talking about. Symphonic Metal is suppose to sound Symphonyic, as in, it's suppose to sound big and grandiose like classical music, or Opera, and often incorporates the use of a symphony, or at least synthesizers which sound like a symphony, the best example I can think of is the album Equilibrio by the band Xystus Power metal is basically symphonic metal without the symphony, just rocking metal with big powerful vocals, which quite often sound slightly Operatic, basically bands that sound like they have Iron Maiden as a major influence, best example I have is... Iron Maiden, or maybe Jag Panzer. death metal is simple, cookie monster vocals and blast beats, example: Cannibal Corpse. Heavy metal is 1 of two things, it's either a) an umbrella term meaning all metal, or b) strictly traditional metal like the 70's and 80's, or bands that are directly influenced by them. black metal is difficult to explain, something in the way the riffs are performed, if you've heard it before you can't miss it, and ear piercing shrieking vocals, check out the album we own the mountains by Elite, it's an excellent album and a good example of what black metal sounds like.
I have some thin sheet 'tin' metal I believe I bought from home depot. I'm trying to make some sheet metal panels with a patina on it. Does anyone know what the sheet metal at HD is made out of and can you oxidize or put a patina on it? If not, is there a certain type of sheet metal I can buy that would work for a decorative patina?
as quickly as I pay attention somebody say the term metalhead, I normally think of of a teenage drugie who spends maximum of his/her time labeling open-minded musicians, to boot as their followers, finished morons who do no longer pay attention to actual music. human beings without actual elementary experience. to respond to your purely does not remember. there is not any such subject as a poser while it comprises listening to music. as an occasion, i'm turning out to be an avid musician, who's normally stimulated via bands like 9 Inch Nails, gadget, Deftones, Slipknot, Opeth, to boot as slightly Cannibal Corpse right here and there. yet i'm additionally extensive into Coldplay and Muse, and purely approximately something techno/digital. So i've got been on your shoes being suggested as poser many circumstances. yet what concerns? I may be the only man or woman who cares approximately what I pay attention to. no one else. So enable idiots be idiots, and don't pay attention to what others tell who you're. The form of music a man or woman listens to shouldn't define who the guy is interior.
Can anyone recommend me any good Scottish metal bands? The only one I know is Alestorm. And no -core bands please.
Mercury is a metal by definition. Its conductivity (and as such, its lustre) make it fall into the category of metal. Just because mercury is liquid does not make it any less of a metal. All metals turn into a liquid at a sufficiently high temperature; Mercury's melting point is just low in comparison.