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What are the main parts of the car?
The car is usually composed of engine, chassis, body and electrical equipment, four basic parts.
What is the meaning of auto parts OEM in the end?
OEM is the abbreviation of original equipment manufacturer, the original meaning of the original equipment manufacturers, refers to the main factory for supporting parts manufacturers. Now refers to the social division of labor, driven by professional interests generated, the basic meaning is: the original unit (Brand unit) commissioned by the contract for product development and manufacturing, with the original unit of the trademark, the original unit of the sale or operation of the co-operation mode of production OEM parts have two necessary conditions: 1. Manufacturers for the main factory supporting the actual production. You are supporting the production of this wide, parts of the Canton is the OEM parts, and OKorder Volkswagen can not be called OEM parts.) 2. Use non-host factory trademark in the aftermarket market sales.
Motorcycle parts, motorcycle transmission, motorcycle brake, motorcycle engine, motorcycle body parts?
Power 24 motorcycle parts, motorcycle transmission, motorcycle brake, motorcycle engine
What is the order of the hand-wave start and stop parts? The Clutch, brake, brake, ignition, etc. The correct operation sequence of these parts? Start and
Start the order: unlock → insert the key to the on position (listen to the gas pump work sound) → wait for 5 seconds self-test at the same time turn off all electrical appliances (radio, fan, etc.) → slam the clutch pedal (where the stalls do not care) The key rotation to the star position ignition → immediately after the start of the engine tossing → hanging a file → light lift from the contract when the release of handbrake quickly.
Anxious, accurate point of the answer, so I went to the computer plus points to accept the two answers
The trunk lid requires a good rigidity, the structure is basically the same as the hood, but also the outer and inner plates, the inner plate has stiffeners. Some of the cars, known as the "half car half", extend their luggage upwards, including the rear windshield, which increases the area of ??the opening, forming a door, hence the so-called back door, which keeps a sedan Shape and can easily store items. The fender is the outer panel of the car that covers the wheel, named after the shape and position of the old body. According to the installation location is divided into the front fender and rear fender, the front fender installed in the front wheel, it must ensure that the front wheel rotation and beating the maximum limit space, so the designer will be selected according to the tire Model size Use the "wheel beats" to verify the design dimensions of the fender. The dash panel is the partition between the engine compartment and the compartment, which is connected to the floor and the front pillar, and the car body is installed under the front cover. There are many holes in the front panel, as the manipulation of the cable, drawbars, piping and wire harness through the use, but also with the pedal, square ask the column and other mechanical installation location.
Body accessories mainly refers to whether it includes seats
Car body structure mainly includes: body shell, door, window, car front sheet metal parts, body interior and exterior decoration and body accessories, seats and ventilation, heating, air conditioning, air conditioning devices and so on. In the truck and the special car also includes the trunk and other equipment.
What is the meaning of rps in car parts?
Round per second
White body Benchmark reverse analysis, the body parts on the hole how to distinguish it? Such as wire harness hole, leakage hole, positioning holes, craft holes, etc. ... ... these holes are on the appearance of what characteristics? Seek advice! The
Generally do the vehicle before the reverse data are related to the report, there should be a hole information table