Plasterboard Props

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I am making a model that requires me to shape, paint, and glue something that will represent small stone slabs (1/2 thick). I do not have access to power tools. I need to cut out unique shapes and then sand them down considerably to make a dome. I was thinking about plaster board but the material I need does not need to be that sturdy. I basically need something between plasterboard and styrofoam (if that makes sense). Any ideas would be appreciated.
Foam core board may work. It is a foam board with oaktag (thin cardboard) on both sides of it. Comes in different thicknesses, just google it.
Gypsum board ceiling price how much a square meter how much money?
Gypsum board ceiling price is expensive and cheap, mainly depends on the material, wages, craft and other factors, the ceiling is divided into the following four parts. 1 with more thick gypsum board, in general, 9mm with 12mm two, the lowest price is 18,37 each, the brand, then about each of your 5-10 yuan 2 What kind of material used as keel, in general, wood and light steel two, the lowest price is, anti-corrosion wood side 25 bundle of four (400 * 25 * 25), light steel 8 dollars a main keel 30mm width. An average of 10 dollars per square meter of wood, light steel 12 dollars. 3 accessories, steam nails nails, dry hanging nails, white latex, etc., more than 100 square meters, less than 2 yuan per square meter. 4 wages, the gap is relatively large, in general, an area of more than 100 square meters, flat top 40, modeling roof (with light pool or convex shape) 60 square meters, if it is a large city may be higher. In summary, the gypsum board ceiling (single, no curve shape) cost is generally between 75-180 dollars, if the workers quote the profits on the float is about 30%. Can help to!
Which brand of gypsum board is best suited for home improvement?
Gypsum board is mostly used for home furnishings, office buildings and industrial buildings of a material. Good gypsum board has good sound insulation and fire protection function. Can Feifei gypsum board Features: 1, can be resistant to ordinary gypsum board weight is relatively light, it is used for ordinary partitions, veneer paper and ceiling. 2, can be resistant to water-resistant plaster board for indoor high temperature developed a moisture-resistant paperboard, mostly used in the kitchen, bathroom, bathroom and so on. 3, can be resistant to fire-resistant plaster board is the best fire prevention. 4, can be resistant to high resistance plate for the relatively large flow of staircase, classrooms and public places. 5, can be resistant to the sound board has a high sound insulation board, for the conference room and so on.
Will the decoration under the big brother Cut the ceiling gypsum board to pay attention to what? Little brother to do decoration apprentice very hard Master old to the hardest job I do easy to do with him Made a week apprentice really bitter A few days to cut the ceiling gypsum board get an exhaust fan is also estimated that I cut the cut Would you like to take any precautions?
First of all, your mind to adjust, there is no difficulty can baffle you, give you painstakingly you see as your will temper Let you enhance patience, increase the sense of responsibility, to work hard, dry line of love and his party, you will get unexpected gains. Do a good job of interpersonal relationships, is a blessing, slowly you are used. You bring a wallpaper knife, pawl saw, petal screwdriver, if the gypsum board with joinery, it is necessary to bring hand saws and pliers.
ive bought metal anchor bolts to fix semi pesistal basin to wall(4) but im not sure if its strong enough to hold it.i also cant work out how to connect same diameter waste pipe(cummin out of wall) to chrome waste trap?please help.
When a bathroom or powder room is first built they usually mount a solid frame at the correct height and position in the wall for mounting a hanging/pedestal type sink. This allows proper bo;lts to be screwed into a solid base so the sink does not fall off later. You require a P-trap available in hardware stores and building supplies. The P-trap should have the proper fittings to connect to both the drain pipe and the Tail pieces in your sink.
Silicon calcium board and gypsum board price?
First of all, the price is a regional difference, the best in the local building materials market inspection. Second, the use of two kinds of plates are different, calcium calcium board is not afraid of water, can be used for the bathroom and other areas of wet areas, but because of its construction is not convenient, it is generally more common with water-resistant gypsum board. The gypsum board is more commonly used in the top and wall decoration materials, because of its easy construction characteristics, it was recognized and widely used. In terms of cost, silicon calcium board is generally 2 to 3 times the gypsum board, which is why the use of gypsum board more reasons.
We have a wall in between a bedroom & the landing that bows when you press it.We pulled some paper off to see what was underneath & plaster crumbled away, theres now 2 big holes in the wall & it seems only the paper is holding it together.You can see the wood slats under the plaster but they are very weak. We are desperate to get this sorted so we can put our house on the market . We've been told to just bang plasterboard on top of it all, we were going to crumble all of the old plaster off & then apply plasterboard.Can anyone suggest what would be best? Thanks
it seem the wall is lathe and plaster ...if you look at the plaster carefully you will see hairs sticking out from it ...this is horse hair was put in to give a better grip as the hairs curled around the gaps in the lathe have two choices ..either remove loose plaster ...pva exposed lathes ..then apply BONDING COAT plaster ..and then skim ..or remove all plaster ..and board over ..the upright studs will be spaced at 16centres ..scrim the joints and plaster with BOARD FINISH
I wanted to mount our LCD on the wall and have discovered that its a plasterboard wall with an inch of plaster, and not brick as I originally thought. I know that I needed to find the studs behind the wall to hang the TV from so I bought an electronic stud finder which has been pretty useless. Kept giving me inconsistent readings. So I bought a superstrong rare earth magnet and tried that to find the nails instead. Its not finding anything at all so now I'm confused. I just want to get this darn TV up but I'm at a loss as to what to do next. Are there special screws which can go into plasterboard and be strong enough to hold a TV (32 inches)? Has anyone mounted their TV without going into the studs? Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
I GUARANTEE this works. Just do what us old-timers did (I still do). Take an Electric Razor and run it along the wall (with the cutting side pointed to the ceiling). When you hear a louder hum, than what you had, you have found the stud. Test the location with a nail or screw. Another method, and far more accurate, is to drill a small hole in the wall. Take a hanger and push both ways until you find the stud. Mark those locations and test with a nail or screw. Once you have located them successfully, simply patch whatever small hole(s) you have and attach to the stud. Or, you can simply screw a 2x6 on each stud and mount the tv anywhere between. Just paint the board to match your walls, and attach it over your pilot holes (if you wish) and you will be happy.