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What hardware fittings are needed for the glass curtain wall project?
After the installation of pre fill panel (if the embedded parts will be ignored), the use of chemical anchor bolt and expansion bolt, chemical anchor bolt of a set of agents, screw, flat pad, nut. The expansion bolt has a flat pad, an elastic pad and a nut.
How to maintain the hardware?
Always use soft cotton or sponge with neutral soap water to wipe the surface of the faucet, to avoid water containing trace amounts of carbonic acid, forming scale, and corrosion on the surface of the faucet
What does the home improvement hardware include? What are your buying skills?
A lot of home improvement hardware, including door pull pages, locks, slide rails, hinge handle, sliding door, rail suspension wheel, etc., these are considered home improvement hardware. Hardware purchase skills are as follows: (1) should be selected and sealed hinge, slide, lock of good performance. When buying and selling, opening and closing, pulling several times, feel its flexibility and convenience. (2) it is advisable to select locks with good flexibility. When you buy, you can plug the key several times to see if the thread is not smooth. The switch is screwed up, whether it saves power or not. (3) choose all kinds of decorative hardware with good appearance. When buying, mainly to see whether the appearance of defects, electroplating gloss, feel smooth and so on. (4) by hand a weigh weight, like products, the heavy weight of products relatively good materials.
There is a round piece of hardware, want to buy online, do not know what the name of the call for help
It should be called the positioning buckle I did, mechanical processing, such as small parts, you'd better buy it is issued, all sorts of strange things, it is easy to make a mistake, but you choose to shop also choose related shops, just like the kitchen and bath monopoly store,
Want to know the function and choice of cabinet hardware parts
In addition, decorative cabinets, hardware accessories, such as cabinets, handles, etc., we must consider and furniture color, texture and coordination issues. Cabinet handle should not use solid wood handle, otherwise, in a humid environment, the handle easily deformed. Solid wood cabinets can choose antique as old handle, the effect is very
Do you need your own hardware to buy a suit door?
When buying a suit door, to negotiate many matters and businesses, such as with the door which supporting hardware, such as: the hinge hinge is to be matched, sometimes it is recommended that you use the supporting businesses better, much to the other foreign price etc.. Then there is the door lock, usually several locks, let you choose, in addition to collecting fees.
What is suitcase hardware? Do you know?
Luggage hardware is simple, that is, bags and backpacks and other hardware used. Luggage hardware accessories are mostly not final consumer goods
What kinds of hardware fittings can be divided into?
Hardware accessories can be classified according to standard and non-standard parts. This classification is general, but the general classification is like this, and there are different hardware used in different industries, there are different categories.