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Consult the science and engineering, chemical and biological experts, plants absorb inorganic salts and water, then the absorption of inorganic salts in what form is absorbed into the way, is absorbed in the way of ions or in the way of the compound, And then only in the body only ionized into the ion state exists in the body. Grateful
Of course it is ion
How to add inorganic salts
Helicobacter pylori can cause a variety of stomach problems, including gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, non-ulcerative indigestion, gastric cancer. Therefore, the eradication of Helicobacter pylori has become an important measure for the treatment of modern gastrointestinal diseases. To identify patients with Helicobacter pylori infection, the clinical need for a high sensitivity, specificity, fast, simple, safe, inexpensive Hp diagnostic method, that is, carbon 14 breath test. The examination and painless, noninvasive, fast and simple, no cross the advantages of infection, experts at home and abroad have been recommended for the diagnosis of Hp gold standard, has been widely used in clinical practice.
What are the effects of inorganic salts on plant growth?
N: promote cell division and growth, so that leaves grow lush. Lack of performance: plant thin and thin, leaves yellow, severe leaves were light brown.
Now need to determine the freezing point of inorganic salt solution, what kind of freezing point instrument is more accurate?
With antifreeze.
During the different periods of plant growth, the amount of water and inorganic salt required is different.
Plant life, although the need for a variety of inorganic salts, but different plants on the various types of inorganic salt requirements are different, such as cabbage, spinach and other human needs leaves of vegetables need nitrogen containing inorganic salts, tomato, peanuts need phosphorus Of the inorganic salt and more, sweet potatoes, potatoes need potassium-containing inorganic salts; the same plant with the growth period of the different requirements of inorganic salts are not the same, for example, plants in the seedling period requires nitrogenous inorganic salts , In the flowering, the results of the period of time need more phosphorus-containing inorganic salts. Therefore, different plants and the same plant growth period, the need for inorganic salts are different. So the answer is: different; different
My body fat rate 14.6 normal body fat percentage 31.2 is more than the normal value I do not know the difference between the two please God answer ah Thank you very grateful and then those elements of my lack of God is the situation ah I love meat is not a vegetarian! And I super love to eat eggs! And my super love to drink water!
I am also a little lower inorganic salt so point, the coach said that usually drink some salt. Protein and water are low can only explain a problem, have a good fat under the conversion.
Are fruits and vegetables inactive?
Inorganic salts are inorganic compounds in the salt, formerly known as minerals, the body has found more than 20 species, including constant elements of iron, zinc, selenium, molybdenum, chromium, cobalt, iodine 8. Apple, pipa, durian, citrus, Watermelon, kumquat, peanuts, I know so much. Oh, there are: lotus lotus which contain inorganic salts
Inorganic salts play an important role in maintaining the life activities of living organisms. It is mainly in the form of living organisms.
Inorganic salts are mineral nutrients present in the body and in the food. Most inorganic salts in the cells are present in the form of ions, consisting of organic matter and inorganic compounds.