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Can it be used on a cellphone so u never have to worry about low battery?
What a solar panel REALLY is is a political rip-off in which the government takes money from me to help you buy solar panels that produce a fraction of the power you could have bought with the money they stole and which required more volatile chemicals to manufacture than would have been created in the consumption of that same power.
I have an off-grid 24volt existing system using 8 x 80 watt 2volt, wired at 24volts, mono solar panels with deep cycle batteries,operating now. I have been given a 240 2volt polly cryst. panel. Can I add this panel to existing panels as above. Thank you, dumb solar man
Assuming that you have / will upgrade wiring sizes to carry the extra wattage, that the new total wattage resulting from the addition doesn't overload any existing charge controller, diodes and / or inverter you have installed, then paralleling it straight into one of the other 2 volt groups should do nothing but add current to the system. True, it will be somewhat imbalanced, but it will work. Your other options would be to reconfigure everything down to it's native 2 V configuration which will raise current and lower voltage, with the additional panel creating the additional current to raise the wattage or to put it in series with the other 4 panel clusters so that you would get 36 V and additional current to account for the raised wattage. One last approach might be to set it up on another battery bank of it's own (small and at 2 V) to then connect to the same inverter. You'd be getting more power and storage capability that way, sort of a partial backup system, really, that will take some of the load off the other components to help extend their useful lives and get a bit more flexibility into it as well. The choice is yours here. That is all the ways that the system can be connected in, assuming everything in the first sentence checks out;-) It's difficult to make a recommendation without knowing what other components are in use and what the maximum ratings they carry are. Just remember that parallel connections add current and voltage stays the same, series connections add voltage and the current remains the same and you can figure out what to do with this thing to help you if you stay within maximum ratings for the charge controller, diodes and / or inverter involved. Good luck and stay safe!
I have heard a lot about solar panels and I want to know how these solar panels works and is it really possible to generate electricity using solar panels. And what is the cost of getting a solar panel installed?
They consist of a semiconductor junction which has an uneven distribution of charge so it has an electric field in it. When light hits the material, an electron is knocked off from its parent atom and can move around the material. The electric field pushes it in one direction, et voila. You have current! (it's most complicated than that, but it needs quantum physics to understand). In summary, light goes in and DC electricity comes out of the panel. To use it in your house you will need an inverter as well, which turns it into useful AC. Then you need a way of using up the extra electricity you produce when it's sunny but you're not using power Some people use batteries, most people use 'grid tied' systems, plug in to the national grid and sell electricity to power companies that you're not using! Unfortunately, without major subsidies (like those offered in Germany, Japan and soon the UK), solar panels aren't likely to be cost effective. In the UK it costs about ?5-6,000 to install a kWp of solar power and it will make about ?90 of electricity a year. In California it's sunnier, so would make about ?200 of electricity a year, but it's still very VERY expensive without subsidy. On the plus side, technology is improving. Thin film technology can be done at half the price, so I'd say hold on until thin film solar cells go up for sale (right now they only sell them to companies for big projects). Prices should drop by at least half in the coming years if they can make enough to sell to households - and at that price it'll be worth it in places like California.
Are there solar panel systems that I can plug directly into my house to help reduce my electricity bill? If so, are they very expensive? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I wish it was that easy! Maybe it will be soon. But at this time, no, there isn't. And if you have a solar collection system, you have to have a way to store the energy when you're producing more than what you are currently using. That usually involves an expensive battery array. But it's necessary. The power coming directly from the solar panels will be erratic and sending it to the battery array for storage and then use allows for the home to draw a consistent level of power. And this battery system also allows for storage of electricity for use when the sun isn't shining like at night. The system should be set up to use your power first, then go to the grid. It should also allow for distribution to the grid when your system has stored all the power it can and that's when your meter will run backwards and the power company will be paying you! There are a lot of federal and state income tax rebates for alternative energy installation costs. Check out what Oregon might toss into the package along with the Feds and see where you might come out.
I want to install a solar panel on my car. I want to know that how much energy can be generated by a panel of size 4 foot by 6 foot. and the cost of installation.
A little more than 0 watts per square foot, so that size panel would generate 250 watts under ideal conditions, which is noon on a sunny but not too hot day, near the equator. That's about /3 horsepower, or the same power as a man working hard. That is larger than needed to keep the battery of the car charged, unless you plan to run a laptop or something off it at night. The power is also too small to power the car for driving. If it's an electric car, you could get maybe another 2 miles per day out of the car, again, under ideal conditions. An RV store might have an idea of how much installation would cost. They would be accustomed to solar panels for RV's, but probably not small cars. A panel of that size would cost perhaps $500-800 just for the panel.
Simplfy it so i can understand pls and put it in stages such as . sun hits solar panel plsHow many different types of solar panels are there?
Sunlight hits the solar panel, and DC power is generated. By the power is not stable. It becomes stronger or weaker according to the strength of sunlight.
Dear Friends, I am very much worried about Global warming, So to contribute something for reducing Global Warming I have decided to use Solar Panels. Can anybody tell me what is the price of these Solar Panels and why people are not using them when they are environment friendly. What are the Pros and Cons of these Solar Panels?
Solar panels are not environmentally friendly. They are expensive and inefficient. Dangerous chemicals that never break down in the environment are produced in the manufacture of solar panels. Their environmental footprint is larger on a per kilowatt basis, than conventional modes of electricity generation. And, because of their unreliability, they have to be backed up by conventional sources. Well-intentioned, but gullible, people the world over have convinced themselves that solar power is our salvation. Nothing could be further from the truth. As an example, check out Margaret Wente's recent column in the Globe Mail after Ontario's recent decision to go green. Also check out George Monbiot's critique of the UK experiment.
i was reading the popular science magazine and i saw that they might make a Sun Powered it Absolutely NOT possible to make a car with a Solar Panel? I dont see any harm in making it..
There are lots of cars with solar panels, but they are all experimental. The problem is that the power required to run a car is a lot more than the limited number of solar panels can produce. The sail boat can use the solar panels as sails, to get power from both.