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I am living in a state where there is lots of Electricity cut off in other words the Loadshedding.When I listen to radio on short wave and medium wave during no electricity ON in our town, it plays well and clear. But when electricity comes its totally inaudible because of too much noise like srrrrrrr, shrrrrrrr,trrrrrrrr. Means I have to turn my radio off. My question is what thing does this cause??
It is interference produced by electrical equipment such as motors, TVs, transformers, computers and fluorescent lamps. I guess your radio is battery operated. If you take it a mile or so outside the town, you will find you get good reception with no noises. I get this at home too. I find if I want to listen to short wave, I need to turn everything off, including fridge, TV and computer. You could try turning everything off in your house and see if it helps.
Have a neighbor that is selling his van to an 80 yr old man. The van has serious electrical issues that go off and on. Just so happens it was working right when the buyer drove it. But almost everything in the dash goes on and off. Mostly it stays off. Is it legal for the seller to not be honest?
No state has any return period for a private party vehicle sale. None. Not 3 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes, etc. If return periods existed on vehicle sales, we'd have people buying convertibles on Friday, returning them on Monday. If the 80-year old man did not have the van inspected by a mechanic beforehand, it's his loss. Any used vehicle transaction is as is unless noted to the contrary in writing. The seller doesn't have to say anything about the condition, and anything said is called puffery and holds no water in court. However, yes, karma will come around and kick this guy in the nutsack. **ADD -- I lived in TX and was in the business for awhile. No, it is not illegal for the seller to not disclose issues. The ONLY thing would be if the seller (private or dealer) did not disclose a salvage-branded title.
every electrical equipment is rated in VA or KW(motor) why transmission line rated in Volts though it carry power.
Because voltage is the only thing that remains fairly constant. Even though industry and residential pull off that transmission line, the voltage is and Hertz is maintained for the sake of equipment that depends on a constant voltage. The current in the line fluctuates highly , depending on how many people are drawing on it at any instant
Hi i'm 13 years old and i'm always getting tired. for example every day i come home from school i go straight to sleep and i don't know why . This dident always happen till i got to 6th grade. And when i'm at my friends i get so tired and want to go to sleep but i don't know why either ? Please help me and tell me hy im getting so tired and sleepy now and days ?
Do you have fluorescent lighting in your classrooms? Are you surrounded by a lot of electrical equipment a lot of the time. What is your diet like? Do you wear much synthetic clothing. Do you use chemicals on your natural body like lotions, face cream etc. Do you get out in the fresh air and sunshine. Are you drinking enough good quality natural spring water? Fluorescent lighting was NEVER meant to be used on a full time basis like they are used today. And yes they are known to make one very, very sleepy. If you are constantly surrounded by electrical equipment, and that means ANY electricals from the television, radio, to laptops, iphones, etc some of todays music can also be very draining of your energy. I do believe your body is getting ready for menstruation. So a healthier diet of certified organic fresh fruitsveges meat is in order for now until we all die. Junk/processed and fast foods are dead and contain practically no nutrition whatsoever. I will leave you with this 'When diet is WRONG, medicine is of no use. When diet is CORRECT, medicine is of no need.' An Ancient Auyverdic Proverb
i got this in a hairdressing assinment and i need to no about it x
safety features of equipment. electrical connexion. must be earthed so no fires can occur or minimise. equipment must be checked every 6 to 9 mths for any electrical fault. etc
I think that management hired a secrets spy to test me and quiz me just to make sures im doing my jobbed properly, ok? They have been hiding behinds the bushed by the water coolers with binocs and clipped boards and i think they are jottings down secret spying informations on me. I also think they planet a bugs on my desk arena and are secretly recordings and monitorings my every moved, ok? How do I find the bugs and are they recordings me right now? am i being monitaried? I already searched all of the potted plants and drawers in my desks and several other coworkers desks in my arena, ok? I am very scared of bugs and of the peoples watching me in the bushed, ok? I am very worrieds that they are monitaring me right now because i talk alouds when i types into my new headphoned typing deviced set, ok? maybe the bug is in there? ok? how do i get it outs if i am not electronical? will it permenentaly ruin my headphoned? ok?
.Post this question in an appropriate area. LGBT might not be the right area.
hi there, a lot of reading for you on the link,have fun. Tennessee's major industries include agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. Tobacco, cotton, and soybeans are the state's primary agricultural crops,[13] and major manufacturing exports include chemicals, transportation equipment, and electrical equipment
I just recently bought a router that was recommended to me, Linksys WRT160N V3. I followed all the steps to connect and it works. the problem is (and i measured) i walked 34 3/16 feet away into my room and boom. no connection, and my laptop, nor my ps3 can find the router. the only thing in the way of my router and my equipment is 2 walls and a bathroom (yes a small apartment). did i buy a crappy router or is there a way to increase the range for this particular model, because i feel like i got ripped off. thanks for the help.Also i was thinking of maybe getting netgear instead, everyone else seems to think it's good i just don't have the cash. thanks for the help.
WiFi is still in its teething stages, And walls are notorious for interfering with the signal, as means to boost your range you could buy a larger WiFi aerial, And try having it pointed at different angles rather than straight up.