Kitchen Aid Stainless Steel

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What is the difference between a kitchen faucet and a basin faucet?
Of course, two kinds of hot and cold water can be mixed, the middle with a mixing valve.
I would like to give a sink and faucet the appearance of having plumbing for display purposes. Is it possible to use a fountain mechanism to create that effect. I'd like to be able to turn a handle and have the water flow, then drain back down into a basin to be pumped through continuously if left on. but able to be shut off by simply turning the handle back to the off position.
yes, the faucet would either have to be a switch to turn the pump on and off or a valve by which the constantly pumping water is diverted from a self contained tank to run through the sink
Is it hard to change the faucet and handles on a sink? I just bought a house and its a new sink.
It's difficult to take the old one out because there is very limited space to work in. When you go to install the new one, use stainless flex lines instead of copper, & attach them to the faucet before you drop it in the cutout.
I got a new faucet with sink and the faucet is not positioned over the drain, also water cloudy. Kindly advise...
Most of the time they are; however, if it's not it should still drain properly. Sounds like you might have some sort of blockage in the drain, or that it's not venting properly.
Yes I have all the proper tools, I'm using a basin wrench...I've got the old kitchen faucet retainer nut is off after some effort, but the other won't budge (white plastic style)...I can't get it off and it's the only thing holding me back from getting my new faucet in...this is suppose to be an easy project but it's killing my entire day, please help if you have advice!
If you are replacing the faucet, just break it off, even from the top. Throw it away. I ended up doing this after messing with the basin wrench for 30 mins. The sink is tough enough to hold up, the faucet components are often chromed plastic, which distort when you use a basin wrench anyhow. Use Teflon tape when you put your new faucet on to avoid this the next time.
So, my cat is about 10 years old now and up until a few months ago he would drink his water out of his designated water bowl we set out for him. But one day I filled up the sink in my bathroom to soak some clothes in it and I noticed he LOVED drinking out of it. But soon, that was the ONLY place he would drink out of. For awhile I would fill up the sink and leave it there for him, but eventually that wasn't good enough for him. Now the water has to be running and he sticks his head under to drink. He won't drink any other water any other way and it's getting rather irritating. He will sit in my bathroom and meow until I turn on the faucet for him, sometimes at ungodly hours while I'm sleeping, and he just won't quit! Why do you think he has such high expectations? And how can I break this habit he's gotten into?
i dont think u can break it once a cat gets into things like that and they decide they like it then thats what they like and they wont stop its how cats are maybe during the day put it on every hour so he can drink if thats the only way he will then leave it on for about 30 minutes then turn it off and he will have to wait another hour befor he can drink again and when u go to bed just turn it on a very lil and leave it on tell u get up so he wont bother u well u sleep i think thats about all u can do cuz he has already decided this is what he wants and there no changeing a cats mind when they like something trust me i know i had a cat that would only eat on top of the counter so i had no choice but to keep it like that u will get use to it just do like i said during the day ever hour for 20 to 30 mins so he can drink then at night leave it on very low so he wont bother u with his meowing all night well good luck i hope this helps
It stopped working out of no where so the only way i can use my kitchen sink is to use the hand held spreyer.. I have never replaced one before and wasnt sure if i need to turn off water to the whole house or not...
valves under sink
Wash basin faucet how to open
Try to unscrew it directly