Inverter Solar Panel Battery

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i have a calculator with a solar panel what could i power with it? like could i hook it up to a psp even though it will take forever to charge? and how would i do this?
It wouldnt be worth your time really to try and hook it to a psp. You would have to build a circuit to match the voltage of the solar panel with the voltage of the psp. one of the few things i can think of would be a model windmill that used a very small solar panel to turn a very small motor attached to the rotor on the windmill. If you want a solar panel to charge your psp, look on OKorder, theres plenty of cheap low wattage solar panels that with a small solar panel regulator can put out enough 2v dc energy to possibly charge your psp
Maximum size of solar panel i have to use is - 8 * 5 feet - this is the limitation given to us.
A short answer is: 500 watt hours can be obtained with a 3 foot by 3 foot photovoltac panel in any 24 hour period with average conditions. Some 24 hour periods will fall far short of 300 watt hours even with the 5*8 foot panel, but a battery that stores several thousand watt hours, will likely give you 300 amp hours 362 days per year, with the 5*8 panel except very unfavorable locations such as Nome, Alaska, USA in December, and January. Nome is quite favorable Spring and Summer if you rotate your panel to keep it facing the sun up to 24 hours per day. Neil
How do you make solar panels and do you need a lot of them to make electricity?
Homemade okorder
I was hearing that we need silver as a medal for the creation of solar panels, is this true? How much silver would be needed to make one solar panel? (if this is true)
Some research has shown that small amounts of silver can improve the efficiency of solar panels. But this appears to be in the research stage and applies to the the thin film solar cells. Some solar panels makes use silver as the wiring in kind of a screen printing process, but you don't need to use silver, you can use copper or aluminum using different techniques instead. Generally the metal used is in small amounts and not a majority of the cost of the solar panel.
how to build a solar panel
Can you show us how to build a solar panel ?
Where can I find updated info about solar panels for home?
Of the practical technologies, crystalline silicon is still king. There have been improvements in manufacturing efficiency and price, but the fundamental technology is unchanged. For the past couple decades, there have been startups claiming that they will have a breakthrough available in 2 years, but so far, nothing has beat crystalline silicon for general applications. The appeal of thin-film was its cost, at the penalty of efficiency, but when the prices of crystalline plummeted, the cost argument went away. That wasn't the only problem Solyndra had, but it contributed to the company's demise. Organic solar cells show promise, and might ultimately be very cheap to manufacture, as they don't involve the high-temperature processing that semiconductors do. The main problem today is that they're not stable at the temperature of a hot roof. But then again, a few years ago, organic LEDs were the same way, and now they're commonplace in big TV's. Only time will tell. From a homeowner's standpoint, the install is routine, but still best done by professionals. It's like putting a new roof on a house, or wiring in central air conditioning. For most, it's better to call a pro.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a gas station or convenience store. In fact, many gas stations and convenience stores have already embraced solar energy as a way to reduce their carbon footprint and lower energy costs. By installing solar panels, these establishments can generate renewable electricity and potentially even sell excess power back to the grid.
Yes, solar panels can still be used in areas with high levels of dust storms. However, it is important to ensure regular maintenance and cleaning of the panels to prevent dust accumulation, which can reduce their efficiency.