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What are the effects of heat treatment on the mechanical properties of metallic materials
Tempering: Reduce and eliminate the internal stress of steel after quenching. Stable organization and size.
I need a list of machinery, and the methods of how trees are cut down. Do they only use chainsaws? or are there bigger machines that cut faster and better? plz answer, im trying to create an accurate scene in a painting ( im in the planing stages).
I'm okorder /
Plural form of machine is machines or machinery?
what is the quality of a central machinery 39743?
MINI MULTIPURPOSE MACHINE , I'd guess you'll get what you pay for, i.e.. not much. I'd imaging that within it's limited capacity is might be an adequate (depending on ones requirements) lathe, but milling capacity will be quite limited.
what are working men and women who oporate machinery called?
machinist; factory worker
why are larger fields needed for machinery such as combine harvesters,tractors and ploughs?
It's the other way around. Those machines are needed for larger fields. The number of people needed to harvest a corn field that's several thousand acres would be huge and prove to be too costly.
why on ship machinery's are installed forward-aft & not port starboard?
Weight stability would be a primary factor.....You want the weight distributed along the center line
What machinery/tools are need to make custom guns?
A custom gunsmith might be willing to take on the project, but it wouldn't come cheap. If you're talking a gun from scratch it would involve significant machining and metalwork. If your design is based on an existing type of firearm that could be modified to suit you less so, but still talking many hundreds if not thousands of dollars. For a completely new design you'd need a gunsmith with a manufacturing license, not just someone who can fix guns, but one authorized to create a new one, and it would have to have a serial number and paperwork. If you're just talking a different stock design you might want to consider doing the work yourself. A wooden stock is easily shaped with hand tools and can be built up with additional wood and glue to make just about any shape you can imagine.