Flexible Transparent Plastic Sheet

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Is there any pollution in the processing of plastic raw materials?
Yes, we have.The plastic itself contains chemicals, in the production process, will react with other substances, produce some odor and so on, so in the production environment must be ventilated, and will produce gas in the process of mechanical production, in production and after the residue, waste water and so on, these are the production of pollution.
Plastic PS with ABS and other mixed processing?
PVC: PVCA polymer material that uses a chlorine atom instead of a hydrogen atom in polyethylene.Polyvinyl chloride is the most characteristic flame retardant, so it is widely used in fire protection applications. But polyvinyl chloride releases hydrochloric acid and other toxic gases in the process of burning.
Laizhou plastic processing plastic machinery and equipment, which is more reliable, relatively good?
In contrast to many manufacturers of plastic processing equipment, more important is environmental protection, there is calm in the future, if you want to buy the equipment you can go to Laizhou city to take a look at the field, there are a lot of home doing well,
How can rubber products be machined?
The mechanical processing of rubber products is a general term for processing plastic products by mechanical means. The types of mechanical processing of plastic products, mainly cutting, punching, cutting, drilling, thread processing, laser processing, etc..
now have no market quite suck me how to go find the market ask predecessors and friends hope that they can point out a way to thank you
I'm from Guilin, Guangxi.I'm a commodity trading company. How many styles do you have?
I found that the plastic bags and food bags used in the county town of my work are from abroad. I would like to open a plastic bag processing plant. What kind of machines do I need?. How much is it (cheaper, smaller per day)?. Where does the raw material go in?. The main market for vegetables; small bags for small food. Who will answer in detail?. Thank you
Hello, the county bag if shipped from the field, the local should not do bags, it is a market.The machine used in plastic packaging food bags is film blowing machine and bag making machine. If you print words and patterns, add a printer. The price is not the same from more than 60000 to hundreds of thousands of different.
How should be the material after refining to smooth feeding, shredders or other equipment?.
It seems that you are not made of plastic yourself, so don't do it blindly, so as not to make money, spend time, make a pile of waste, and then lose a lot.
The manufacturing process of plastic products? Who knows?
There are 4 categories:1, extrusion molding: in plastic processing, also known as extrusion, in the non rubber extruder processing, the use of hydraulic pressure on the extrusion of the mold itself, said press out. Refers to the material through the extruder, the barrel and the role of the screw, while heating plastic, while the edge is pushed forward by the screw, continuous through the nose and made a variety of cross section products or semi-finished products of a processing method.2, injection molding: also known as injection molding, it is an injection molding method. The advantages of injection molding process is the production of high speed and high efficiency, automation, and more varieties, shaped by the simple, size from big to small, and accurate product size, easy product upgrading, can become a part of complex shape, injection molding is suitable for mass production with complex shape products etc. processing field.3, slush molding: the method is to paste plastic (plastic sol) dumped into the mould is heated to a certain temperature (die or die), close to the cavity wall of the plastic paste is due to heat and gel, and then there will be no cementitious paste plastic and poured out, will be attached to the the cavity wall paste plastic heat treatment (baking), after cooling can be obtained from the mold hollow products.4, blow molding: mainly refers to blow (also called blow molding) refers to the gas pressure in the mold closing type billet hot melt blown to form hollow products, is the third most commonly used plastic processing methods, but also the development of a rapid method of plastic molding. The only female mold mold molding (die), compared with the injection molding equipment, low cost, strong adaptability, capable of forming a good performance (such as low stress), can be formed with complex undulating curves (shape) of the products.