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Why do they call them sofas? Have you been to Portugal?
No to the latter. Quite.
Can anyone tell me if DirectBuy would have a sofa like this and how much it is? I believe it's called Exhilaration by Ashley.
Yes, it does. The cost varies with scotchgard....
The coefficient of kinetic friction between the sofa and the floor is 0.25.Wscott= ?explain please!
Key phrase: ...at a constant speed... That means no acceleration, so the net force is zero. So Scott's push force is equal in magnitude to the friction force (between the sofa and the floor), but in the opposite direction. Now we need to find the friction force. This is going to involve the relationship between the coefficient of friction (μ), the friction force (Ff) and the normal force (Fn) {The normal force is the force at right angles to the friction surface.} Ff = μ * Fn In this case Fn is just the weight force (mg) of the sofa. Taking (g), the acceleration due to gravity, to be 9.81 m/s? Ff = μ * m * g = (0.25 * 76kg * 9.81 m/s?) = 186.39 N Work done = force * distance Wscott = (186.39 N * 3.3 m) = 615 joules
I have a 4 year old tan microfiber sofa. not exactly sure what that means. I think the fabric is polyester or a blend of some sort. I can't find a tag on the sofa. Naturally, being a slob and having a cat that is an equal slob, the couch has become a bit dingy and there are a few stains here and there. I don't have a steam cleaner and really don't want to fork out the cash to buy or even rent one, but I would like to clean the sofa as best I can. Any products good for spot removal on this type of upholstery? Can the loose cushion covers be removed and machine washed? Help! I've spent days cleaning and organizing my apartment and now that everything else in my house is clean and sparkling, and in it's place (the place was a pig sty to start with) I can't stand looking at this dingy sofa but I can't afford a new one, and this one is really comfy-just dirty.
If okorder / I'm sure you will like it too. Its a multipurpose tool that cleans sofas without doing any fabric damage. Cheers
My cat has urinated about 7 times on the same spot on our sofa. Every time he does that, I just scrub it with detergent and water or sometimes bleach. But this time, the odor won't go away... Pls help.. tnx..
Try Nature's Miracle. It works for my rug, maybe it'll work for your sofa. Though I would probably just get rid of the sofa. If the cat can still smell the urine, it will keep coming back to that same spot. Have you taken the cat to the vet to see why it's peeing outside the litterbox? It could be a bladder infection, or maybe he's just unhappy with you right now. If it's one of those problems, simply cleaning or getting rid of the sofa won't work. He'll just pee on something else instead.
What dose sofa king retarded sound like?
No Mary you're incorrect, it extremely is i'm settee king we tall did Roxas it extremely is so humorous, I had my nephew strolling around asserting that on walkie talkies. He had to play so I advised him to %. his call, he got here up with Cobra a million, so i became into Alpha Kenny a million, he became into strolling around the backyard (at his B-day celebration) going Alpha Kenny a million, Alpha Kenny a million, are you able to take heed to me
I just brought a sofa and it doesn't fit through my apartment door. I don't have the measurements of the sofa but does any one have any idea how I can get this sofa into my apartment... I don't want to return it
I have put one through a large window when it wouldn't fit through the door
My neighbor is moving this week and had offered me her sofa and end tables. She didn't say that she wanted any $ for it, and when I asked her she said Don't worry about it!. Should I still give her something for the sofa and tables? The sofa looks to be in good condition but there is a spot on the back edge where her cat had clawed and the dust cover underneath is torn, and it stinks like cat. So this is a 2 questions: Do I give her some $ for the sofa and tables? And what is the best cleaner/spray for a fabric sofa?
in answer to your first question, i would say no, you dont have to give her any money. they are moving and a) probably glad they dont have to pay the movers to move it or b) going to buy a new one when they move anyway. i would offer some help moving or packing or something instead of the cash. as for your second answer, we have been happy with Spot Shot for our dog stains. good luck, enjoy your new sofa ...