Chinese Aluminum Foil Ball

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Me and my brother were bored one day and we decided to go to camping (on private property not owned by us). So of course the cops were called and they had to come and tell us to leave. So the cop walked with us back and when we got there it was a K9 unit. I had a test tube full of marijuana on me. The window was rolled down where the dog was at and I was about 10 feet away from it. It didn't bark, it didn't do anything. Do you think it could have smelled it through the plastic test tube I was carrying?
the only time a k9 dog would notice the grass is if it was trained to. Not all K9 dogs are drug dogs. Myth busters has an interesting episode on how hard it is to sneak drugs past a drug dog. See if you can find that episode and watch it. They did all kinds of things to fake out the dogs and nothing worked...
They were little plastic tubes filled water and sometimes little animals. You would try to hold it, the it would go inside-out and fall. They were really popular in the 90's.
Dude i remember seeing those back in Cali in the 90's. They used to be rad haha
No, plastic tubes are not biodegradable.
What are the problems to be overcome in the development of plastic pipe industry?
Plastic pipe industry development prospects are relatively good, especially good performance of new plastic pipes, better prospects for development.
There is a plastic tube under the motorcycle
It doesn't matter. It's oil and gas
Yes, plastic tubes are suitable for hydrostatic testing.
I've also seen oxygen masks with tubes hooked up to them? And tubes in the nose?
The plastic thing is a nasal cannula, which is good for supplementary oxygen. An oxygen mask allows doctors to deliver a higher, more concentrated dose of oxygen to a patient. A breathing tube is inserted when a patient cannot breathe sufficiently on her own, and she is connected to a ventilator, which breathes for her until she is strong enough to breathe on her own.
Steel wire mesh composite plastic pipe, how many meters a root?
Generally 6 meters and 12 meters, of course, special specifications can be customized