Ceiling Fan Stainless Steel

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What is an electric fan?
The fan is mainly composed of fan head, fan blade, net cover and control device
The electric fan is moving all the time. Why is there a lot of ash on the leaves? Ash won't fall when you blow it?
When the fan does not rotate, it falls gray.
What is the principle of an automatic fan head swing back and forth?
There is a round at the rear of the fan. At the outer edge of the wheel, the shaft is connected to the frame by means of a connecting piece. The eccentric force produced by the rotation of the wheel acts on the frame and causes the fan to swing the head
How was the electric fan invented?
In 1880, Americans for the first time Shule blade is directly mounted on the motor, and then connected to the power supply, the rapid rotation of blades, the cool breeze blowing, this is the world's first electric fan.
Fans can shake their heads, but fan leaves do not turn, where is the reason?
Most of the motor burn is accompanied by lack of oil in main shaft.
What is the difference between air conditioner speed regulation and electric fan speed regulation?
Inverter air conditioners and fans are asynchronous motors (not sure if there are any other types, but common ones). The fan is single-phase and the air conditioner is multiphase.
What is the function of the fan blade?
Five can lookout "cut" more small, quiet is better. Because of the "cut" the wind is more uniform, with five fans not only brought the silencing effect from the comfort of view is also much more choice, fan blowing can achieve a wider range than block adjustment
Why do most fans only have 3 blades?
The more the fan, the more energy it needs to turn, but the fan is too small and the air output doesn't meet the demand.