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My 3 year old goes to bed at 8 and my six year old at 8:30. On the weekends though there a little different. Bella [3] still goes to bed at 8 but Bridget [6] gets to stay up till 9.What time do your kids go to beds?
My 7 month old and 4 month old twins go to bed when I do. My 5 year old goes to bed at 7:30 and 8:00 occasionaly 8:30 on the weekends. My 9 year old goes to bed at 8:30 and 10:00 on the weekends. My 11 year old goes to bed at 9:00 and 11:00 on the weekends My 14 year old goes to bed at 10:00 and 11:00 on weekends. My 17 year old goes to bed at 10:30 or 11:00 and whenever on weekends but usually in bed at about 11:30
what's the difference between a high pressure bed and a low pressure bed?
Hey! So the difference between a high pressure bed and a low pressure bed is that the high pressure bed has stronger bulbs and UVA rays. This causes you to get tanner much faster and you burn less. A lower pressure bed does not have as strong of bulbs, and therefor you are in the tanning bed for a longer period of time. It also is much more easier to burn since you are in the bed for twice as long.So why doesn't everyone use high-pressure tanning beds? Some experts believe the high ratio of UVA to UVB isn't safe. UVA can still damage the skin and cause some forms of skin cancer, it can also damage the skin's elasticity. Most importantly, however, high-pressure tanning doesn't help at all with the one major health benefit of tanning - vitamin D production. To encourage vitamin D a higher percentage of UVB is needed, as is delivered with low-pressure tanning beds. :] :]
I need info on a bed rail I can put on a toddler bed. My little one is a VERY restless sleeper and is constantly falling out of her toddler bed in her sleep. Most bed rails are for twin beds. Has anyone found a good one for a toddler bed?
I had the same problem. And my son is SUPER picky about only sleeping on his own bed. A transition from his crib straight to a twin bed would not work with him at all. I got the bed rail and decided to put his mattress on the floor and use the rail since he doesn't have a mattress and box spring yet. (I took the drop side off the crib and left the other 3 sides up around the mattress.) He loves his bed (again, a slow transition), and the rail keeps him from falling onto the floor. We are getting him a twin bed in a couple months, but this was a good solution in the meantime so he wasn't climbing out of his crib. He doesn't even get out of bed at night. Good luck!
Is this bedding be okay for rats?
That bedding should be fine for them. Just a little advice. Rats or anything can get lice, fleas, and mites from bedding bought in a store. This comes from the bedding when it is stored in the warehouses. If you put the bedding in the freezer for 24 to 48 hours it will kill anything in it and solve this problem. Hope this helped.
I'm currently on Neurontin for nerve pain and Fioricet for headaches. I took both last night as prescribed. I wet the bed. It was so embarrasing. My boyfriend had to sleep on the couch because the bed was wet. I was wondering if these medications I'm on would cause bed wetting? Help! Please!
The urethra is a muscle that clenches when you sleep, making it so there is no bed wetting. If you are being treated for nerve pain,it's likely that it is causing your muscles to relax, including the urethra, hence the bed wetting. I'm not entirely sure about treatment. Try not to drink anything right before bed and you may have to wear something to protect your bed for a little while until you can train yourself out of this. I'm so sorry, dear.
Smaller size bunk beds that use crib mattress.
yes, okorder or featherbud is the company that makes them. Also, people out there that think they are unsafe you're stupid, or the reason they don't make them is cuz by the time there old enough to use them they will have out grown the crib mattress you're stupid too.
Do you need a mattress on the skeleton of the bed?
Above all need to prevent mattress, usually put software mattress, and want thick point. Some rib bed frame can adjust the curvature of the electric, this mattress is generally used natural latex mattress.
Do a simple bed with angle
Frame drawings first paint your bed, and then to buy Iron painted according to your drawings, the size of the grinding machine with good cutting angle