Australian Electrical Wiring

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I established that under my car the part that shields the exhaust system and electrical wiring from being exposed is broken.It is located right under my hood on the outside (between the ground and acutal car).I am trying to figure out what that part is called so i could buy a replacement.
it is call the splash shield
I have a ceiling fan with a light fixture attached and I accidentally cut the wires that go from the light fixture to the ceiling fan. Now the light is completely off but the fan is fine. However, there are wires hanging from the fan that spark when the fan comes on. Can I just buy some wire caps and be done with it?? Thank you!
You may have a cap on the bottom of the fan that you can get into and yes you can put caps on the wires that way. If the wires are hanging out of the fixture and you cannot get to the wires, you can get to the lighting wire at the cannopy at the ceiling. if you take the screws out and the cannopy will come down you three wiries coming out of the pole. you will see a black, blue and white and ground. The black goes to the fan and the blue goes to the light. If you disconnect the blue wire, you should be able to stop any power going through your wiring for the light. If you are not sure, you will want to call an electrician as if you cross the wrong wires or open the wrong wires, you can send a backfeed of power through the neutral and blow your stuff as in tvs computers and anything with a clock. That will cost you alot more than the local electrician. This is a minor repair for somone that can see it and knows what they are doing. Good luck
If we are automatons we should be just relying on our instincts and doing the same crap all over again: eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, etc.If we are automatons we can't do these: create science, have money, get puzzled about the structure of the universe, build empires, have a variety of ideologies, wage world wars, have philosophies in life, plot world domination, build amazing structures, foresee the future, watch Youtube, play video games, communicate in the Internet, propose theories, create the theory of relativity, build the Large Hadron Collider, and most of all, HAVE EMOTIONSI'm an atheist, but souls look like more logical
its eat, sleep, sex. and what says that's not exactly what we're doing? advancing humanity by creating technologies and having intellect as well as instinctual emotions is the perfect thing to make sure a species protects and expands itself.
does it mean some1 died there or what?
Generally it means someone lost a fight and had their shoes taken from them and thrown up on the line as a form of disrespect. It is a way that some outsiders are harassed for being different, i.e., homosexual, different social calues, or just for being nerdy.
How is the color of the three wires?
So it is red is the line of fire is positive. Green is a zero line, that is, negative. The color is the ground wire.
If you have hot wires, then electrical energy is being used to heat the wires. Is this an efficient use of electricity? Explain.Question is related to the general area of circuits, resistance, current, voltage etc.Any help would be appreciated :)
It depends on where the hot wire is. If it is in your wall, (part of the electrical wiring), it is overloaded and will likely start a fire. If it is in an appliance, such as a toaster, it is doing it's job. Someone else may shoot me down on this, but I believe that heating a grid of wires by running an electrical current through them is a fairly efficient way way to turn bread into toast. I say Fairly efficient because there is a lot of heat lost into the environment during and immediately after the toast is made and the electricity is shut off. Also, there is a period from when the power is turned on until the heating element reaches operating temperature. Also, I know of no other PRACTICAL way of making toast when the only energy comes through the electrical supply. So is it really efficient? No, but I know of no other practical way. Yes, you COULD heat up a clothes iron or similar appliance and use that to make toast, but that would be even more inefficient.
Ready to buy specifications 1.5 square 4 bundles, 2.5 square 4 bundles, 4 square 2 bundles. What kind of color do you want to buy in general? How much does each color buy? Online look at the general use of blue for the zero line, red for the line of fire, yellow and green for the ground, it is not every specification must have three colors? Such as 1.5 square four bundles of color how to allocate it? The problem is relatively white, trouble everyone to answer in detail, thank you! The The More
Red line on the red line; blue line on the blue line; and yellow line on the yellow line on it
Describe how the electrical resistance of a wire changes as the wire becomes longer. How does the resistance change as the wires becomes thicker?
The resistance of a wire is directly proportional to length.