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What brand of cable is good, what are the top ten brands of wires?
If you are talking about the three-core wire, black - ground brown - line of blue - zero line. If it is 3 plugs, your wire is only 2 lines. Then the yellow received L, black received N. The above is the ground wire.
Apple mobile phone does not support this charge when charging this thing how to charge
I use the TV as a computer screen, connect the HD line, how no sound
Wire and cable fire resistance to meet what standards, which can provide about, thank you!
Should be the line group: lighting a group of 2.5 square millimeters, an ordinary socket a group of 4 square millimeters, air conditioning a group of 6 square millimeters, kitchen and bathroom appliances a group of 4 square millimeters, so that after the down is not enough to put a separate group You say the high-power electrical outlet, the line to the square of the square mm to see your home how high-power electrical appliances, but advise you to use these high-power electrical appliances before the first to determine its current good, More than your home appliance load!
Wire and cable: RVFV. : RVFSV. : UTP-CAT5E. : SYV-F-75-5 : RVFSP. : RVSP. : RVFVSP. What is the type of wire? Solve! More
Pro, please buy in the hardware store turpentine wipe, a bottle of 3.5
If you want to sell wire and cable, then what to do in advance to detect? The The The The The
Wire diameter, conductor resistance, insulation diameter, the thickness of the thinnest insulation,
IPhone6 This cable or accessories have not been certified how to solve
Labor costs you can and workers to discuss, and some labor costs are calculated in accordance with square meters, and some are calculated in accordance with the day, the specific or ask the local construction team
What is the warranty period for wire and cable?
Wire and cable warranty period is 30 years of national warranty period. But the specific warranty period according to the type of wire and cable and the use of conditions and temperature and applicable methods to determine. General cable maintenance period is about 15 years, but to ensure that the normal use of the environment, such as the amount of temperature is below 70 degrees, but you are more than 70 working environment to use, of course, may not be used for a year. Therefore, the most important thing is to follow the instructions to use.
What machinery is required to make wire and cable?
Oh, the pipeline is poured before the layout according to the design drawings.