Aluminum Foil Boat

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What is the difference between a 2 stroke and a 4 stroke on a rubber boat?
2 stroke internal combustion engine, a stroke to complete two projects, in order to complete a work cycle, crankshaft rotation 360 degrees a week.
Just bought an inflatable rubber boat, manual, and I in Shenzhen, and two friends rowing rubber boat fishing, illegal? Seek explanation,
Not illegal, but not more than one nautical mile from the land, otherwise, the Shenzhen marine police will expel you, and the rubber boat is safer than the wooden boat that is leaking,
The man asked: "rubber boat engine can use motorcycle engine to refit it?"
After the [font= Microsoft YaHei]: [font= Microsoft YaHei] you have seen others modified? Answer: [font= [font= Microsoft YaHei] Microsoft YaHei] not seen.
Is it against the law to draw a rubber boat with two friends to go fishing? Seek explanation,
Not illegal, but not more than one nautical mile from the land. Otherwise, the Shenzhen marine police will expel you
Is a rubber boat a 2 stroke fuel economy or a 4 stroke fuel economy? Seeking expert guidance ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ urgent urgent!
This is, of course, a 4 stroke fuel economy! The 2 stroke runs faster and consumes more natural oil.
Inflatable boat fishing you?When something goes wrong,
Yes, but suggest that the boat be a little bigger. It's best to go when the waves are small, and don't stay away from the coastline. Remember not to touch rocks.
Where can I play a rubber dinghy? Mark the map with the motor, or else you can't find it
Engine coolant channel crack into the combustion chamber, the white smoke is water vapor in the exhaust gas, usually no odor, but need to pay attention to insufficient coolant in the engine overheating, the ultimate axle bush burning and other serious fault cylinder.
How do you bleed the rubber boat?
Then look at the inside of a spring shaped part of the bulge, down to hold it, and then counterclockwise rotation, and then release can be, when inflated, reverse the direction of a twist, and then inflatable.