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Anyone know how to white wash a maple gym floor like at the Cleveland Cavaliers facility?
When you refinish a hardwood floor, you sand off the old finish, apply a stain, remove the excess, let that dry, and then apply a protective coating. I've never done a whitewash stain on a floor. But, I imagine you would just use a whitewash instead of the darker stain and everything else is the same. I would suggest, though, that you get a sample piece of hardwood flooring and try it out before committing to the whole floor. BTW - Refinishing a hardwood floor costs about $4 - $5 a square foot, plus an additional 50 cents a square foot for additional protective coatings.
Insulation question - I live in an old (106 years) 3 storey house and I am about to replace the wooden flooring on the top floor - I have roof above this floor. The house is quite cold, more so than normal. Is it advisable to put mineral wool insulation between the floors? Are there any fire safety issues? Since, there are electrical cables for light fittings. Although, I was planning to leave a gap in insulation where light fittings are located. Please advise and many thanks in advance.
It is not necessary to insulate between floors, most heat is lost through the attic and walls. If you have the old knob and tube wiring, the National Electric Code prohibits insulation around it, as it increases the temperature of the wire. NEC 394.12(5). If a knowledgeable Home Inspector sees this, you will have to correct it before selling the home.
500 ml of floor oil can be used as many square meters
Approximately 200-400 square meters can be used
Hi im trying to renovate my bathroom ,but im trying not to put that 1/4 inch cement floor to put the tile on cause its going to be biger than the living room floor is there anything else i can use that can be smaller than 1/4 inch floor board.i know theres like a thin membrain like paper or something ...please help
You can use regular plywood as a sub-floor and it is cheaper.
I want to put down peel/stick vinyl tiles in my kitchen and bathroom. Both rooms have Vinyl flooring now and it's not damaged in anyway I just hate the colors. Can I put the peel/stick tiles on top of the existing floor or do I have to pull it up? Also should I use some sort of glue to add extra holding and will this kind of floor last or will it start peeling up in a few months?
Ok for a cheap fix self stick tiles are ok. However do not add any adhesive with a self stick tile it will not hold. Also I have done floors for 30 years and there is no floor that recommends using contact cement on which to glue down tiles.Floor has to be really clean no dust no oils of any kind. Use denatured alcohol to clean old vinyl. If the old floor has any type of embossment to it you must Float the entire floor with a portland cement based patch compound. Use a flat trowel and spread portland cement across the floor at a 45 degree angle to fill in old grout lines. The best is ardex feather finish. 10lb bag will do an entire kitchen. Easy ti mix easy to spread and ensures a good bond when dried for any floor especially self stick which needs the cleanest floor. Good Luck.
we want to use floor lights but i have small kids at home who could knock them off
Most any floor light can be fixed to the floor. The cautions: Is the home a rental? Are you on a concrete slab or a wood floor? Does the slab have hot water heat tubing embedded? You will be putting screws into the floor. Would your land lord allow it? A hot water embedded concrete slab can leak if you accidentally puncture one of the tubes. If all of the above are ok, here we go.............. Do you have access to wood working tools? ie. table saw, electric hand drill etc. Or a neighbor/ friend with? The base plates of the floor lamps could be drilled directly through the metal and then screwed down, this easiest. Can you live with this cosmetic damage to the light base? If not, decorative wooden blocks can be fabricated out of hardwood. Stained, clear coated, and or painted. You will want to table saw a rabbit notch about 3/4 inch to 1 inch long on one end of each block at a blade depth that is a little less than the thickness of the light base. This will help clamp the light base firmly to the floor when screwed down. Make three blocks for each light base. The tops of the blocks can be decoratively tapered and the edges rounded over with a router to give a pleasing profile to the finished product. Hope this helps. you can e-mail me through Yahoo Answers with additional questions.
Ok so my stupid friend which i really like and are best friends was trying cocaine and some dropped on the dirty floor and there was like cigarette ash and everything and it was a granite tile floor type and he chose to sniff it off of there can he get diseases like aids/hiv from there? im scared for him but hes just crazy and stupid,
The dirty floor won't cause as much damage as the cocaine. However, there could be a higher incidence of bacteria and virus germs on the floor. E. coli O157:H7, Shigella, Listeria, Salmonella, etc. These bugs have incubaton times from a few hours (E. coli) to weeks (hepatitis). Cigarette ashes should not be a concern.
How long is the use of wood flooring?
Wooden floor as long as the use of four or five years no problem, flat households light Ju Chi angle with carrying the hair when the maintenance, pay attention not to scratch, less dirt, do not use the wet drag pag, keep the room clean, half a year to play A floor wax, the most critical is waterproof and moisture.