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What role does warehousing play in logistics?
Warehousing is, first and foremost, a logistics activity, or logistics activity is the essential attribute of warehousing. Warehousing is not a production, not a transaction, but one of the logistics activities for production and transaction services. This shows that warehousing is only one of the logistics activities, logistics and other activities, warehousing should be integrated into the entire logistics system, should be associated with other logistics activities, and coordination. This is a significant difference from the past "warehouse management".
The role of warehouse management in Enterprises
In manufacturing enterprises, warehousing is an important part of enterprise material delivery, and its personnel and equipment allocation and management efficiency affect the operation cost of the whole supply chain to a great extent.The warehouse operation is normal, and can guarantee the goods safety, quick and accurate delivery of the goods in the warehouse.
The disadvantages of traditional warehousing and the advantages of modern warehousing
The socialization of warehouse management is not high. Even with the same enterprise, some internal logistics resources can not be shared. As the storage management is backward, the utilization ratio of storage facilities resources is less than 40%, which leads to the low efficiency of logistics
How to strengthen the integration and construction of logistics infrastructure
function of specialized facilities. In order to provide logistics organization service in accordance with the cost, efficiency and service requirements, the construction of specialized logistics facilities should be carried out in accordance with the specialized facilities so as to have the corresponding functions of the integrated logistics organization.Logistics Centre。 The physical facilities is to have for social services, logistics services (field station, warehouse and equipment), improve the information network and service capabilities are available, the larger the scope of radiation, to small species, large storage capacity requirements, can be unified operation and management of supply chain logistics business functions.Distribution Centre。 To have the physical facilities to provide services, goods distribution services for specific users (field station, warehouse and equipment), improve the information network and service capabilities are available, the radiation range mainly for sale to city or enterprise network as the basis, to adapt to many varieties of small batch high frequency distribution requirements, to the delivery service for both main products inventory control and storage services and other functions;Logistics Park。 The function of the logistics centers, distribution centers and other specialized comprehensive facilities and professional facilities, transport stations, warehousing and other single function together, can provide a variety of forms and links of the logistics service organization.
What aspects of logistics and warehousing management?
Should meet the following requirements in the general layout of warehouse: (1) abide by the laws and regulations of various buildings and facilities planning; (2) to meet the requirements of warehouse operation smoothly, avoid repeated handling circuitous transportation; (3) ensure the storage of goods safety; (4) ensure the working safety; (5) the maximum use the warehouse area; (6) to make full use of warehouse facilities and equipment; (7) comply with the security and fire protection requirements; (8) consider warehouse expansion requirements.
What are the responsibilities of the warehouse and logistics department?
(1) manage the material storage of the company.(2) responsible for the warehousing, delivery, storage and maintenance of the logistics department, and the safety management of the warehousing process.Warehousing of materialsLogistics Department of materials storage must strictly implement the company material storage process, other units shall formulate internal storage of materials flow, according to the purchase order or receive documents for the goods to the "product qualification certificate", "material certificate, packing mark, warning mark, packing list, check the appearance of the product and the number of check.To the library materials must be completed within 4 hours of data entry, there are batch requirements of materials must be input batch information, all materials to the library must have storage records.
What are the main differences between the electricity supplier warehouse and the traditional warehouse?
Average order lines are few. Traditional retail logistics has dozens, even more, hundreds of orders line, these goods may be distributed in all corners of the warehouse, according to order picking, warehouse go round to complete order picking. But only a few of the electricity supplier logistics orders, in most cases such as Jingdong, such as dangdang is no more than 10, a few such as shop No. 1 will be between 10 to 20, if still use the traditional retail logistics commonly used to order not picking, picking up for each trip only a few parts need to go a large number of road in the warehouse. A large number of actual combat statistics show that as much as 70% of the time spent in the picking process is on walking. Therefore, it is necessary to design a picking order, and can complete multiple orders at the same time, to improve the efficiency of picking, such as first picking, picking, planting, or picking the same model.
What are the problems in e-commerce, logistics and warehousing?
The logistics industry is between the supplier and the buyer of the third party, to serve as the first purpose. Compared with other domestic industries or sectors of China's logistics industry development lags behind, compared with the development of modern logistics industry in the world, in terms of resource allocation, service level, management level, the use of modern means of science and technology, there is a big gap. Mainly for the logistics infrastructure planning unreasonable, in transportation and transportation, line mileage, density and a low level of modernization, weak ability to resist natural disasters; in storage, our country is in the administrative department for the establishment of the warehouse system, size, number and storage equipment modernization level is low; in addition, the entire logistics industry level of logistics management and logistics information level are relatively low.