3.2 Kw Solar Inverter

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65w adapter and 90w laptop power adapter What is the difference?
In general, notebooks have to use power consumption is to decide whether to use 65W or 90W adapter power supply, but not to say that 90W must not use the 65W power supply, but his power is not reached, it is possible that the machine is using some of the features Can not start, for example, external equipment, power supply, if the original request is 90W power supply, but you are using the 65W power supply, external equipment can not work properly. But some cases do not need external equipment, so choose a small 65W power supply is very convenient
Oil-free vertical vacuum pump why a little negative pressure inverter on the torque limit
and then use the inverter into three-phase AC, 380 volts almost, Can only use the transformer rose to 380 volts.
Short-term short-circuit converter DC link positive and negative will damage the inverter?
the switch signal Is the fan running up after the speed line is low, this can be shorted. Pulse is every turn a circle, send two pulses to the speed line
My laptop can not use the power adapter, and can only use the battery, how is it ah,
Depending on your question may be the problem that the laptop's internal lines may be short-circuited 1, you can go to the video online to find the same type of machine disassemble video and then repair their own 2, get to the maintenance of the place to get on nothing
Why the notebook power adapter can not be universal
Second, the voltage is different Different brands of laptop power adapter voltage is not the same, for example: under normal circumstances IBM is 16V, Dell is 20V, Hp is 18.5V, Sony is 19.5V and so on. Thus, even if the power adapter interface is the same, can not use different brands of laptop power adapter for power supply.
Laptop computer about electricity no electricity, is the power adapter problem?
"The adapter light is bright" is just a matter of line between the AC power supply and the power adapter, and the power adapter to the computer that line may be bad or the computer interface is not good. Practice shows that the adapter's computer interface where the line is most likely broken
Pump frequency converter instantaneous restart and restart the problem
Speed tracking start. The specific to ask you to drive the inverter that guy. He earned your money there is a need for technical support
How does the laptop's power adapter open
Notebook power adapter using the correct method] 1. Try to avoid the use of outdoor or harsh environments to prevent the adapter is exposed or damp. 2. When you are not using the adapter, please unplug the power plug. Because, for a long time the power will let the adapter has been in working condition, will affect the end of life. 3. Although the adapter is a broadband operating voltage, marked from 100V-240V can be, but if the voltage is extremely unstable in the case of use, the same will cause damage to the power adapter.