Solar System Inverter Battery

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What is the difference between a maintenance-free battery and a conventional battery?
As a result of maintenance-free batteries using lead-calcium alloy grille, the amount of water generated when charging less water evaporation, coupled with the shell with a sealed structure, the release of sulfuric acid gas is also very small, so it compared with the traditional battery, With no need to add any liquid, the wiring pile head, wire and body corrosion less anti-overcharge capacity, starting current, power storage time is long, by the car people welcome.
What kind of battery is divided into?
Ordinary battery: ordinary battery plate is composed of lead and lead oxide, the electrolyte is sulfuric acid aqueous solution. Its main advantage is the voltage stability, the price is cheap.
How to determine the battery is good or bad?
Observe the battery electrolyte is turbid, turbidity that the battery positive plate softening. Observe the bottom of the battery whether there is sediment, if the plate off the battery capacity has been inadequate. Hand hit the battery two electrode piles If you hear an empty voice that pole pile and plate break. With a thick wire short-circuit positive and negative pile observation of the battery filling holes, such as the discovery of a bubble appears that the interval has been damaged.
What is the meaning of the battery above 12v65Ah?
Voltage 12V, current 65AH, that is the capacity of 65A. (A is the unit of current. H is the time unit)
What battery does the van use?
The most obvious feature of lead-acid batteries is the top of the plastic cover can be unscrewed, there are ventilation holes above. These fillers are used to fill pure water, check the electrolyte and the use of exhaust gas. In theory, lead-acid batteries need to check the density of each electrolyte and the level of liquid, if there is a need to add distilled water. But with the upgrading of battery manufacturing technology, lead-acid battery development for the lead-acid maintenance-free batteries and colloidal maintenance-free batteries, lead-acid batteries do not need to add electrolyte or distilled water. Mainly the use of positive electrode to produce oxygen can be absorbed in the negative oxygen cycle, to prevent water reduction. Lead-acid water batteries are mostly used in tractors, tricycles, car start, etc., and maintenance-free lead-acid battery wider range of applications, including uninterruptible power supply, electric vehicle power, electric bicycle batteries. Lead-acid batteries according to the application needs to be divided into constant current discharge (such as uninterruptible power supply) and instantaneous discharge (such as car to start the battery).
What is a maintenanceable battery?
It also has a shock, high temperature, small size, self-discharge characteristics. Life is generally twice the ordinary battery.
What are the advantages of maintenance-free batteries?
Maintenance-free battery using lead-calcium alloy grille, the amount of water generated when charging less water evaporation is low, with the shell with a sealed structure, the release of sulfuric acid gas is also very little, so with the above advantages.
Battery 200ah / 104 what does that mean?
This should be refers to 2V200AH battery 104, power with the 220V. Lead-acid battery nominal voltage is 2V / (each or monomer), but in fact will be higher than 2V, so the actual use and charging equipment for the matching will use 104, also useful 103, also useful 108 Only.