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Maintenance-free battery how to detect it?
When using a maintenance-free battery, it is easy to think that maintenance-free is the idea that no maintenance is required. Maintenance-free Although maintenance costs and times can be reduced, but for the appearance of the clean-up is essential, so that "maintenance-free" more point to the battery inside.
Lead-acid battery how to maintain?
Along the battery cover on the exhaust hole, open the battery cover plate, some of the battery cover is APS adhesive, and some batteries are buckle connection, pay attention to open the cover when the cover plate The At this time you can see the six exhaust raft rubber cap.
What battery does the van use?
The most obvious feature of lead-acid batteries is the top of the plastic cover can be unscrewed, there are ventilation holes above. These fillers are used to fill pure water, check the electrolyte and the use of exhaust gas. In theory, lead-acid batteries need to check the density of each electrolyte and the level of liquid, if there is a need to add distilled water. But with the upgrading of battery manufacturing technology, lead-acid battery development for the lead-acid maintenance-free batteries and colloidal maintenance-free batteries, lead-acid batteries do not need to add electrolyte or distilled water. Mainly the use of positive electrode to produce oxygen can be absorbed in the negative oxygen cycle, to prevent water reduction. Lead-acid water batteries are mostly used in tractors, tricycles, car start, etc., and maintenance-free lead-acid battery wider range of applications, including uninterruptible power supply, electric vehicle power, electric bicycle batteries. Lead-acid batteries according to the application needs to be divided into constant current discharge (such as uninterruptible power supply) and instantaneous discharge (such as car to start the battery).
How does battery activation work?
Always keep the battery surface clean. Found that the surface of dust and acid, it should be timely wipe, wipe can be wiped with soda water wipes wipe again, after rinse with water.
How to repair the battery?
Maintain the battery before, first of all to clean up the battery appearance of the dust, remove the terminal above the stain and corrosion.
What are the hazards of battery over discharge?
When the battery discharge current is large, the heat will become more obvious, there will be serious heat generated when the battery deformation, when the concentration of lead sulfate is particularly large, will form a larger crystal particles, that lead to the battery Internal irreversible sulfation.
How to deal with waste batteries?
The rest of the various types of waste batteries are generally shipped to a special toxic, hazardous landfill, but this approach not only cost too much but also cause waste, because there are many useful raw materials available.
Battery 200ah / 104 what does that mean?
Lead-acid battery nominal voltage is 2V / (each or monomer), but in fact will be higher than 2V, so the actual use and charging equipment for the matching will use 104, also useful 103, also useful 108 Only.