Sharp Solar Module

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What is the difference b/w them which one is better .
In the practical sense, the differences are trivial. I'd buy on price per watt, unless space is at a premium (it isn't for most installations).
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a residential community or housing development. In fact, many residential communities and housing developments are incorporating solar panels as a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution. Installing solar panels on rooftops or open spaces within the community can generate clean energy, reduce electricity bills, and contribute to a greener environment.
Yes, solar panels can certainly be used to power a concert venue or entertainment center. By harnessing the energy of the sun and converting it into electricity, solar panels can provide a sustainable and renewable source of power to meet the energy demands of such large venues. With advancements in solar technology and the ability to store excess energy, solar panels can effectively contribute to reducing carbon emissions and promoting a greener environment for entertainment spaces.
i'm talking abt bulk panelling, how many MW do we get from km sq?
Solar panels are being improved on a continuing basis. Price is coming down and performance is going up. Still, they are expensive. A panel roughly /2 X /2 meter runs about $00. It generates 0 watts of power. To make a panel km square would take 4000 of these at a cost of $400,000. They would generate 40,000 watts or 40 kw or 0.04 Mw.
I really need to know about the good companies who are selling good quality home solar panels.I lives in Pakistan, solar panels sell here are cheap but they doesn't work for long time, mostly they are quot;made in chinaquot;.Consumption of units of our house written on our electricity bill is 300.My dad is seriously thinking of purchasing a solar energy system for house that long last and works efficiently.So plz help me out.
Solar power systems are expensive and it takes time to recover the initial investment. The cheap solar panels that you are talking must be solar heat collectors which are most common in Asia. They are the most efficient type of solar power systems for the climate in South East Asia. They are mainly used to heat water. If you are looking for this, it will cost you about 25000-30000 for a 50-200 liter capacity. If you are looking for a solar power system only, then you can expect it to cost about 50000-60000 Rs approximately for 00 Watt/hr system. With this you can run most of the appliances and lights, fans etc. and your electricity bill will only be a fraction of what it is now. Hope this helps.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a prison or correctional facility. In fact, many correctional facilities have embraced solar energy as a way to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. Solar panels can be installed on rooftops, parking lots, or open areas within the facility, providing renewable and clean energy to power various operations within the prison. This not only helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also allows prisons to become more self-sufficient and sustainable.
I live in Sacramento, CA, and I need some solar panels for a project fo school. They don't have to be very big......just something that I can use as an example.Thanks!
Trees, they have plenty of leaves. You'll probably have to buy an educational kit from Radio Shack or something like that. Maybe break some old solar powered calculators open.
I'm wondering if the cost of the panels and equipment have come down enough to make them viable in areas like Seattle or Vancuver for example.
Take okorder /.. You need to keep in mind that as long as you are renting your electric from the public utility you are doing just that and renting. You can resale the solar electric system if you move or if you just want to sale it and get some of your money back if not 20 % extra. Then all the years you used the system was all free electric. So it is already viable as you put it. Anything other then buying a system would not be. Here is a thought. The housing market slumped and if you paid 50K for your home it is now only worth if you can even sale it about 00K. Not worth the money but people are still buying homes even if they are not worth what they are being sold for. And then the cars and trucks people buy will never pay for them selfs but people still buy them and spend extra the more wasteful the car is. So why does solar have to pay for it's self or prove it's self? It has many times over but because you can't drive a solar panel drunk and party out in the bars with it is is not worth the money. I guess the is just being human and a double standard. What about the big up front cost of solar? I remember a 20% up front cost when I bought my home and my car and it is the same 20% or less for a solar loan. Plus the value of solar is going up not down like with homes and a car is not worth but half what you paid for it the minute you drive it off the car lot. I can only see good from solar un like other things we buy.